And There was Light

One of the things that I like about our house is that I have my own bathroom. I think part of the reason why we have a good marriage is because we don't have to share a bathroom, but that's another column for another day.
What I don't like about my bathroom is that it is dark. Not like living in a cave dark, but darker than I would like. It's always been that way.
Part of the reason why it is darker is because it is painted a medium brown. If the room had a window it would be all right, but it doesn't. The floor is a brick coloured tile. The bathroom is lit by a fluorescent light over the counter and a small indoor flood light that shines in the shower/tub.
I thought that the fluorescent light was too small and that's why it seemed dark. Someday I would have an electrician come in and put in different lighting.
As time went on the fluorescent bulbs kept getting dimmer and dimmer. It would take a long time for the bulbs to light. I know that cold can affect them so I thought that is was just something I'd have to deal with. I would just have to remember to have incandescent lights put in.
It kept getting worse. I would keep that bathroom light on when I was at home because I wasn't sure they would come back on if I turned them off. Sometimes they wouldn't come on and I'd have to keep the shower curtain open so I'd have enough light to see. One of the bulbs burned out.
C decided he was going to do something about it. He thought that getting two new bulbs would work. He went to Menard's and came back with the bulbs. It took nearly a half an hour, but he got the new bulbs in. He turned on the switch and nothing happened. All that came on was the shower light.
He climbed up on the ladder with a flashlight and checked his work. The bulbs were seated correctly. The circuit breaker for the bathroom had not tripped. Then he noticed two silver round things near the bulbs. Maybe that was the problem.
C didn't know what they were, but he did know where he could find out. He went to the computer to do some research.
It took some time, but he found out that the silver things were starters. He looked up what they were supposed to do. He decided that they needed to be replaced and made another trip to Menard's.
He came back with the starters and headed straight for the bathroom. He was excited. That light would finally be fixed. He replaced the starters and summoned me into the bathroom. He wanted me to turn on the light.
I gave the switch a nudge up and there was light! Not the dim light that I was used to. This was bright clear light like I'd never seen in my bathroom. I turned the switch off and then turned it on again. The lights came on! It didn't take 2-3 minutes like usual. It was fixed!
C was proud of his job. He likes to fix things although he doesn't get to do it often.
I was grateful for the light. I had learned to put in my contacts in the dark, but having the light will make it easier.
Now I can take the money I planned to use for the new fixture installment and buy some paint instead. (We'll be able to see what we are painting.)


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