Classy Ladies

The news from the sports world has not been good the past few weeks. Most of the stories are tales of athletes and coaches misbehaving. I know that the majority of professional athletes and coaches work hard and maintain high standards of conduct. The handful that don't seem to get a lot of press.
As an antidote to some of the recent bad news coming out of the sports world, I'd like to share with you something I found on Yahoo! Sports this week.
The American Heritage School's girls cross country team was disqualified in a Florida state meet that occurred earlier this month. The reason was an unintentional mix up of the timing chips that the runners are required to wear on their shoes. These chips are to ensure that the runners are running the correct course and crossing all checkpoints and the finish line. Each runner has a matching right and left shoe chip. Two of the runners mixed up one chip so they were wearing the correct chip in one shoe and the wrong chip in another. It was completely unintentional. However, this is grounds for disqualification. The team was in second place in the meet and had dropped to fifth place.
Enter the Bolles School girls cross country team. Their team was in third place and had advanced to second place due to American Heritage's disqualification. The team decided that American Heritage deserved recognition for place they had. They decided, without any prompting by a coach or other adult, to give their runner up medals and trophy to the American Heritage team.
After receiving their awards, the Bolles team members walked over to the American Heritage team and presented them with the medals and trophy. According to the Prep Rally blog, the runners from Bolles, "took as much away from the experience as they would have from a state title". Bolles sophomore Lily Arnold said, "This was worth so much more than a state championship."
Well done ladies, well done.

Information for this column taken from the Prep Rally blog written by Cameron Smith 23 Nov


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