I'm tired of hearing about it

Has everyone heard that Kim Kardashian has filed for divorce? I thought so. Unless you have been living under a rock or have been in a coma for the past few weeks there is no way you could escape such shocking news.
I'm tired of hearing about it. I started getting tired of it late last summer when she got married. There were all kinds of speculations about her dress. (or was it dresses, I remember something about her having three different dresses.) There was an article about the guests having a dress code. Everyone had to wear black or white. (Are you serious?)
Then there were the wedding pictures on the front of what seemed to be most of the magazines I saw. I don't remember seeing any of them that showed the bride and the groom. There was an article or two about that.
By September, I saw a magazine with a picture of her on the front and some headline indicating that the marriage was in trouble. I shook my head.
Then,in October,came the big shock. Kim had filed for divorce. They'd given it a whole 72 days and it just wasn't going to work out.
You'd think that the next thing to happen would be a plea for privacy as they go through his trying time. I wish. Instead a whole new batch of articles were spawned. There were all kinds of questions. Will she give the ring back? Will she give the presents back? How did she break this to her mother? How much money did she make off of this? What is Kris Humphries doing? (Yes, there were a few lines written about him.)
Now Kim is suing a former publicist for saying that her wedding was staged. (What is a publicist anyway?) I had to chuckle a little bit. The idea that this might have been some ploy to boost the ratings of whatever reality show she is on had also occurred to me. It also made me wonder if this was just another attempt to make sure that she stayed in the public eye (Any attention is good attention.)
It appears that I'm not the only one who is tired of any and all things Kardashian. There is a petition going around asking that the cable network that carries the family's reality shows remove them from their line up. It's a nice thought, but I don't think it will work. Why would the network do this when it is getting all kinds of press about the show mostly for free? There's really no incentive for the network to do this.
I know what will work. Stop watching the shows. Advertisers look at ratings and if the rating s fall advertisers will reconsider. This will carry a lot more weight than a petition. Don't "like" their pages on Facebook and don't follow their tweets on Twitter. Ignore them.
That's what I plan to do.


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