Writer's Block

I've been sitting in front of the computer for the last 30 minutes and can't think of a thing to write about. Actually that's not true, I have several things that I could write about. I just don't think I could make a good column out of any of them.
Carrie is moving to London, England for the study abroad part of her college program. I'm very excited for her since it looks like she may be able to do a bit of travelling in Europe while she is there. I'm not worried that she can't manage or she won't like it. I know that she will. I'm more worried that she will never want to come back to the United States after that experience. After she's lived in London,seen Paris and maybe had a chance to visit Rome or just about any place in Italy why would she want to come back to Minnesota? It's nice, but not exciting.
I travelled in Germany and Italy for a few weeks many years ago. I spent two days in Florence and if there had been a way for me to work as a pharmacist there I would never have returned to the U.S. So I can understand the lure of the Continent.
I am glad that I came back though. I would have missed out on a lot of good things.
One person commented that he was glad I had the confidence and willingness to expose my fears. He was commenting on the last column about my fear of failing the DMV eye exam. I have several irrational fears and I find them humorous. For instance, I'm afraid of bridges. This predates the I 35 bridge collapse. When I go to my Toastmaster meeting I have to drive over the Lafayette Bridge in St. Paul. I'm always a little white knuckled going over the bridge. I have visions of sliding over the guard rail and into the river. Even in the summer.
When I was a kid and stayed on the farm with my grandparents, I slept in a room that had a picture of Jesus and the Virgin Mary in it. I was always a little scared to go in that room because I was convinced that the pictures were staring at me. No matter where I went in that room, the eyes would follow me. If you go into my house, I do have pictures hanging on the walls,
only one of them is of people and that one is an outline sketch so there are no eyes to follow me.
Scamp is at the vet right now. He is having some dental work done and will have to have a few teeth pulled. I always worry a little bit when the cats have procedures done. I worry that they will find some really awful thing is wrong with my cat. I'm hoping that they will not have to pull his canine teeth. (Yes, the two long teeth on the top of a cat's mouth are called canines.) He'll look funny without them and I'm not sure how he'll be able to chew.
I was looking for some way to cook the eggplant that I took out of the garden. Someone had offered to give me a recipe for an eggplant curry, but they never sent it. I found a recipe for ratatouille. I've never made it before. I'm not sure if anyone will even like it. I can't stand wasting food though and I'm the only one who eats Eggplant Parmesan.
Well.... I have just read over what I've written and it looks like I have a column after all. A little disjointed perhaps but not bad. Maybe a case of writers block now and again is all right.....


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