Acting Your Age

Last Thursday at the after Toastmaster meeting coffee, my friend Carol noticed a small scar on my chin and asked me about it. I had to think for a few minutes. No one has ever noticed it and I had to remember how I got it.
When I was young my parents bought a lot and built,with help from family, a house on it. (My Dad lives in that house to this day.) At that time I liked to skip and would skip around instead of walking or running. I think what happened is that I was skipping around the house as they were putting the walls up and I tripped over something cutting my chin open. It required a couple of stitches.
Carol said that she could easily see me as a young girl skipping everywhere. I said that once in a while I still get the urge to skip, but that I quickly squelch it. At age 40 something it's really not appropriate.
We moved on to other topics, but this one stuck in my head. I am a firm believer in age appropriate dress and behaviour. (I almost said dress and deportment, how stuck up is that.) There are few things more ridiculous that someone trying to hang on to their youth well past the time when they have left it. I believe in embracing the age that you are whatever that age is.
Maybe I'm too serious..... If there is one thing that C and I don't see eye to eye on it is this topic. He enjoys being silly. He embraces being silly. I should say one thing in the interest of fairness, he is capable of being serious when he needs to be. People seem to like his lighthearted attitude. He thinks that I could be silly a little more often and it wouldn't hurt.
Part of it comes from being a pharmacist. Pharmacy is a fairly conservative profession. I'm not talking conservative in the political sense. The definition I mean is the "marked by moderation or caution" one that I found in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary. Pharmacists are health care professionals just like doctors,nurses, physical therapists and others. People who come to us have to feel they can trust us without getting to know us well. So we dress a certain way and tend to act a certain way.
For me this has carried over into my personal life. I never want to thought of as less than competent or flighty. It could be possible that I've gone too far in that direction and need to be a bit more light hearted. C could be right in this respect. I should stop squelching those urges and enjoy them.


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