The Musical Couple

Did I ever tell you how C and I met? C likes to tell it to nearly everyone. In fact, had you been at our wedding you would have heard the song that C wrote about how we met. It was his wedding present to me along with a promise that he will never sing it at anyone else's wedding. (Singing it at the reception is fine though.)
I met C at a coffee shop on a warm January day. (No I'm not kidding, it was unusually warm that day.) I'd been bumming around at one of the river towns on the St. Croix and wanted to stop for a drink. There was a coffee shop nearby and I went inside.
C was working that day and we chatted a bit about the weather. He made my drink and I payed for it. I found a table to sit at and enjoyed a book while I drank.
A week later my mother and I went to the Como Conservatory to look at the indoor gardens. On the way home I told her about the coffee shop and we stopped in. We got our drinks and sat down. C was there setting up as he played music on the weekends. I recognised him, but didn't think he'd know who I was. After all he sees tons of people every day. Little did I know he was pleased to see me and had been thinking about me ever since our first visit.
He played a James Taylor song and then one that he had written. He talked about the process of writing a song a bit before he played it. I was intrigued. I use to write poems and short stories and I knew what he was talking about. I thought that it would be really cool to get to know this guy. Maybe we could be friends and write music together. I didn't know his name or anything about him. Mom and I left the coffee shop.
I went back on my next day off. I wanted to find out what his name was and if he played on a regular basis. He wasn't there when I arrived so I ordered some lunch, got out a book and prepared to wait. While I waited I noticed a large sign on the wall. It had his name on it. He was the house musician and played every weekend. I felt like an idiot for having missed it. My patience soon paid off. C came in to start his shift.
We started talking and we never stopped. Long story short we became friends then dated and fell in love. He proposed and we married in August of the following year. I told C that I thought it would be fun to write songs together. We would be like Sophie and Alex in the movie "Music and Lyrics". He liked the idea. While he has written words to most of his songs, it wasn't his strong point.
We did write one song together. It was a lullaby for the daughter of a friend of ours. Our lives were too busy to do things like I had hoped in the beginning. I was a little disappointed. I thought it would be fun for us to write songs. We have completely different musical influences that it would have been nice to see what we could do.
We did play and sing together when we went on vacation. While not what I had hoped for, I liked those evenings a lot. I have great memories of sitting in the common room at the B&B singing and talking.
Things are starting to change though. C put away his guitars when he started working at his current job. There just wasn't enough time. He felt like music was something he had to give up.
Then he was asked to enter a talent contest at work. He pulled out his twelve string and had it restrung and set up. He's starting to practice every day. He has noticed that I've made improvements on my instruments. He's listening to a lot of different guitar players and has bought some new lesson books. Lately it is not uncommon for C to practice in the "music room" (the room where we keep our instruments) while I practice in the living room.
I'm haven't given up on writing songs together, but now I have something else to dream about. I'm hoping that someday we will invite friends over for dinner and afterwards treat them to a little concert. I had originally thought that I would write words and he would write music. Maybe we could write duets for harp or dulcimer and guitar. I could play back up to some of the songs that he already wrote.
There are few things that would be more fun for me. Making some good music that will inspire people and make them feel happy and doing it with my husband, my best friend, my dream guy.


  1. I would love to hear you two play together. If you play at Christmas time in the ward, please let me know so I can attend..


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