My Ring (again)

The man looked at my hand as I handed him his package. "Did you get married?" he asked. "Yes," I said with a smile, "Seven years ago." He mumbled something and quickly walked away.
It was an easy mistake to make. He is a regular customer and has probably seen my wedding ring many times. As many of you know, my wedding ring doesn't look like a standard wedding ring. My wedding ring has an oval shaped dark blue sapphire with white gold petals around the outside.
I remember one of the first times my mother saw it. "How are people going to know that you are married?" she remarked in a tart voice.
"I know I'm married and C knows I'm married, that's really all that matters," I replied. She shut up.
I like my ring and have received several compliments on it. To me it reflects the type of relationship C and I have. A lovely one, but quite nontraditional.
One thing that C told me he wanted to do when we were first married was to give me a wedding band. Since the ring is the way it is that means a band would need to be designed for it. That meant that it would be a bit expensive and would need a good and creative jeweler to make it. C was determined. He saved his money and a week ago told me that he had found someone to work with. He needed to give my ring to the jeweler so that they could design and put a band on it. I found the box it came in and gave it to him to take. I know the jeweler that he's going to. I have bought a few things from her. One of them is an opal ring in the shape of a flower. She's very good and very nice. I have no doubt that she and C will make something I will be happy to wear.
This means I needed to find something to wear on my left hand until I get my ring back. I looked into my jewelry box and found the perfect thing.
Many years ago I used to buy myself a new ring for my birthday. One year I was prowling a store and found a lovely ring. The only problem with it is that is was a wedding set. The band part was in yellow gold and had an ornate design on it. The engagement ring part also had an ornate band on it with a spot for the stone. I am a big fan of usual settings and shapes for stones. I really wanted this set, but felt stupid as I was not getting married. The lady helping me told me that many women will buy similar rings for right hand rings. I felt better. They it in white gold which I prefer to the yellow. I chose an ice blue sapphire to set in the ring. It is one of my favourite rings, but lately I haven't worn it much as I thought it was a little gaudy.
I took it out of my box and put it on my left hand. It was perfect fit. The first day or so I wore just the band part. (I had kept the pieces separate so that I could wear the band alone if I wanted.) It took some getting used to as I tend toward more simple designs. One of my techs remarked that she liked the ring. It looked like an antique to her.
It doesn't look quite so odd to see it on my hand now. I will be happy to get my ring back though. I am looking forward to seeing what C has designed for it.


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