The Never Ending List

One thing I do on the mornings of my day off is make a 'to do' list. After breakfast I search for a piece of paper to write on. Despite the fact that I know I have several pads dedicated to writing lists on, I can never find any of them. I have to hunt for an envelope or something else to use. Having found some paper, I sit down with my pen and get to work.
I write down everything even those things most people wouldn't. Things like 'check mail','wash dishes' and 'practice instruments'. I even write down 'write column'. I know if I don't do this, I might forget and it doesn't get done. If I have to go out I write down every place I need to go and what to get while I'm there. If I'm meeting someone for lunch I write that down. I may forget.
The average list has about eight to fourteen items on it. I try to be reasonable and list as many things as I can do in a day. The bad part is that during the day I find more and more things that must be done and add them to the list. In fact I just remembered that I need to clean the cat litter boxes so I have added it to the list.
It is now at the point where I am adding things faster than I am subtracting them. It gets very frustrating. There are two reasons that I make the list. The first is simply so I remember to do the things I must do on my days off. The second is the satisfaction that comes from looking at the list and finding all the items crossed off. Instead of going to bed satisfied that I have done a good days work, I am frazzled and feeling like I'm spinning my wheels.
The items are listed as I think of them. As I go about my work I prioritize them. Many of the items at the bottom of the list have been there for several weeks. For instance I still have my winter sweaters in my closet. I haven't had time to bring up my summer clothes and put the winter ones away. Chores like cleaning the kitchen, picking up the living room and running errands have taken precedence. It's on the list for today though.
Some of the items on the list are things I can do simultaneously. I can throw a load of laundry in the washing machine and then clip Colby's claws. You'd think that this would help to shorten the list faster, but is doesn't seem to help. (I need to remember to empty the dehumidifier and use the water on the flower garden.)
I don't know why this is happening. When I was younger I got all my work done and had time to do something fun like paint my toenails or give myself a facial. These days, if I want to do that I have to put it on the list. Since it isn't an essential task it will be one of the last things and most likely won't get done. (Which is a shame since I like the way my toes look when the nails are painted.)
I guess the only thing to do is to keep plowing through the list and keep the distractions to a minimum. One day I will make a list and finish it. I'll paint my toenails to celebrate.
(Now I can cross off 'Write column')


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