
Hi everyone! This is Colby. That's C-O-L-B-Y, like the cheese, not K-O-B-E like the basketball player. I am one of the two house cats that lives with Sophie and C. I know all of you have heard from my big brother, Scamp. He likes to talk about himself. Most of you know very little about me. I would like to tell you a little about myself.
I was adopted about three years ago. Before that I lived with a foster mother and several other cats and dogs. My birthday is in July. I will be three years old.
Everyone thinks that Scamp is the best looking cat. He's hard to resist I'll admit. That black silky fur,paw tufts, the fringed tail all make one handsome package. Add those big green eyes and his very confident air and you've got someone who is hard to resist.
I am very good looking too. I'm an orange short hair tabby with white paws,chin,chest and belly. I like being a short hair, it means that I look good without much grooming required. (Hear that Sophie, I don't need to be combed) Scamp has long hair which means that he needs to be combed or brushed nearly every day. Fortunately, he likes it. I don't know why. I also have big golden eyes. Sophie likes my eyes.
Orange cats have a reputation for being very friendly and easy going. I am a little shy still, but I do like to meet new people. Sometimes on Sundays humans will come over to visit. They usually have large backpacks with them. I make sure that I give the bags a good sniffing. After all,I am also a guard cat and I must make sure that there is nothing that may harm my humans. I enjoy sitting on Sophie's lap when they visit. I hear some interesting conversations.
My favourite thing is tuna flakes. I love tuna flakes. They are the best thing in the world. I also like to be scratched especially on my chest and chin. Sophie gives good scratches. I wish she wouldn't cut her nails so short. I like to lay in the sun. There's a good spot in the dining room that I like. I can lay there all day when the sun is shining. I also like the green pillow in the living room. It's made of something called corduroy and is just that right size pillow for napping. The corduroy feels good on my face. I enjoy playing with Q-tips and kneading this small fur rug that we have.
I like to purr too. Scamp taught me that humans love to hear cats purr. Scamp has a great purr, very low and deep in the chest. My purr is not so loud and a bit higher pitched. One thing I've learned is that a human will do nearly anything for a purring cat. I'm still working on meowing. Sometimes I open my mouth and nothing comes out.
My hobby is bird watching. C put up two bird feeders so I get to see lots of birds, squirrels and ground squirrels(sometimes called gophers). There's a spot in the kitchen and another in C and Sophie's bedroom that make good places to watch.
I don't like being combed,brushed or having my claws trimmed. I have all my claws so it takes awhile. Scamp only has claws on his back paws. I don't like it when people chase me. If I want to get to know you I will approach you. If I don't approach you that means I want to be left alone.
Scamp is the Chief House Cat. I am the Deputy House Cat. We share the duty of patrolling the house and watching for intruders. Scamp and I have regular training sessions and tussling practice. I like to inspect the garage cans for any harmful substances or Q-tips. I'm also trying to teach myself to open the drawers and the door to our food cabinet. These are useful skills for a cat to have.
I'm going to go now. It's nap time. Bye.


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