The Arrival of Eve

I saw Eve the first time we went to Hobgoblin Music just outside of Red Wing. We had gone there to pick up Margaret, the lap harp, who had some minor clean up work done and was ready to come home. Eve was sitting in a corner with some other lap harps. She caught my eye instantly. She looked lovely sitting in the corner. The lady helping me told me that someone had bought her and then decided that she really wanted a floor harp instead. Eve stood proudly, her golden brown finished cherry wood frame beckoning me. I gave her strings a tentative pluck. For such a dainty instrument she had a delightful tone.
As much as I wanted to take her home, I had never played the harp before. I didn't want to invest the amount of money she cost into something I might not like or be able to play. Also having just brought Margaret into the house, I didn't think it was such a good idea to abandon her until I got to know her. I gave Eve a pat on the soundboard and told her that if I was ready for an upgrade I would take her home.
I started to learn to play Margaret. I was having a good time playing and learning. I still thought about Eve. I decided quickly that when I was ready for an upgrade I would get her or one just like her. The time wasn't right though. I was having too much fun with Margaret to have more than passing thoughts about Eve. Things came to a grinding halt when I went to get Margaret for practice and found a broken string dangling forlornly from the soundboard. Without a string chart I had no idea what I could use for a replacement. I called Hobgoblin and was sent three strings to try. One of them worked and I was able to play.
Then another string broke. I was furious. I had wanted Margaret to be restrung and it had not been done. I was told that her strings were all right. I didn't think that was true, but I wanted to get her home so I could start playing. I let it go. Now it was obvious that she needed to be restrung. Without a string chart I still had no idea what to do.
Fortunately, yesterday was a nice day. It was a good day to go on a road trip to Red Wing. C and I packed up Margaret and went on our way.
The harp maker at Hobgoblin measured the strings and gave me a set for Margaret and made a few adjustments on her. Then I took her upstairs and put her back in her case. C and I wandered around the store a bit. I looked into the corner. I saw a familiar pillar. Could it be? I walked over for a closer look. It was her. The small,flirty looking heart shaped hole on the soundboard. The Loveland levers on every string. It was her! She was still here!
I gave her strings a strum. The sound was the same as I remembered it. Now I faced a bit of a dilemma. I hadn't planned on getting another harp this soon. While I was making rapid progress, I didn't think I was ready for another harp. However, Eve was here and ready to go home with me if I wanted. She may not be here when I was ready. This was of course, quite silly. The harps are built at Hobgoblin. If someone else bought Eve I could have them build another one for me or have them install levers on one that was already built.
One thing I do know is that even if they are built by the same hand with the same materials no two instruments will sound exactly the same. The magic is in the wood. I really liked Eve's tone. I was afraid that even if I had another that was the same model and finish that it would not sound the same and I'd regret not buying her when I had the chance.
So I summoned up my courage and said "C, do you think that maybe we should just get the other harp now?" I had the credit card with me. C sighed. He knew. He pulled out the card and handed it to me.
After a bit of instruction from the saleslady, I sat down on the floor of the shop and played Eve a little. She and Margaret will make a good pair. Margaret is larger with a bit lower range. Eve is smaller, lighter and higher and tuned in the key of E. Once we get those new strings on Margaret, C and I can play together. When no one was looking I put my arms around Eve and gave her a hug. "I'm taking you home," I whispered to her. Maybe I was imagining it,but I heard a happy chime from one of her strings......


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