My Garden

Every so often in catalogs that I get I see a T-shirt that says, "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy". Now, while I have enjoyed the occasional beer root and otherwise,I must disagree with this statement. Beer is not proof that God loves us. Gardens are.
Why do I think this? Well, it's in the Bible. Adam and Eve did not live in or near a bar. They lived in a garden. I think most people agree that when they think of paradise, a garden of some sort is part of the picture.
I think that if you want to see small miracles, put a seed or seedling in the ground. Seeds are the most amazing things. They are small and look lifeless, but they aren't. Give it some water fertilizer and some sunlight and a living organism sprouts up.
The reason why I'm so excited about plants is that our garden is finally in this year. The perennials that I have planted the past few years have come back. This is good news as it means I don't have replant everything every year. The plants are spreading a bit to cover the bare spots in the garden.
This morning when I came back from my run, I looked at the garden. My lavender plant has buds. Lots of buds. I've never been able to keep a lavender plant alive long enough for it to flower like that. Fresh lavender is one of my favourite scents. The rose vine has buds too.
Last year I removed the orange day lilies that I don't like and replaced them with a different kind. Every time I go out the plants have grown several inches. I'm also seeing small lily plants sprout up by the parent plant. That was what I was hoping would happen.
There's more. The plants that Helen gave me last week are in the ground around the deck and are giving every indication that they are happy in their new home. My intention was to have a multicoloured border of purple,white and yellow flowers around the deck. With luck these plants will also spread and cover the bare ground around the deck. Once we get that deck restained it will look very nice.
We had a large empty pot that has been sitting in the garage since we moved in. Inspired by all the pots that I see at the Arboretum, I decided to try planting something in it. I found two small begonia plants and four other plants with colourful leaves. I planted the begonias in the middle and the other plants around them. I put it on the deck and it looks really nice. We can see it from our bedroom window.
We have planted our usual tomatoes and peppers along with an eggplant. The garden expert at the Arboretum said that it was too late to plant anything but Early Girl as the growing season will be too short for anything else. I'm hopeful though. Anything can happen. If the tomatoes don't produce fruit, there's always the farmers market.


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