Thank you sir, may I have another

There has been a lot of bad news this year. I don't think I need to recap any of it for you. It is almost beginning to seem like there is nothing good happening at all.
There are some brave souls who are trying to combat this. My friend,Carol, sent me a link to a website that only broadcasts good news. President Thomas Monson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints observed, "While there are some things wrong in the world today,there are many things right," I couldn't agree more. I'm tired of hearing about the bad economy, the bad politicians and the fact that the whole country is going to H. E. double hockey sticks in a hand basket.
I am pleased to say that several good things happened to our family this year and I'm going to tell you about a few of them.
Carrie finished her first year of college this past spring and did well. She enjoyed school and spent a carefree summer doing some travelling to visit family in New York and Texas. When September rolled around again she was ready to go back. She now lives in a house with several other classmates and is doing well.
C survived another year of debt collections. There was a manager who did not get along with C and made his life somewhat difficult. The manager quit this past spring. Debt collecting is still very hard, but C manages to hit or at least come close to hitting his goal and always treats his clients with respect and dignity.
He has made a goal of getting the lawn looking good and dandelion free. He spent a lot of the summer mowing and tending the grass. He is also learning to cook and has had several meals waiting for when when I come home from work.
I placed third in the Toastmaster's Spring Tall Tales contest. Placing third was very good as the competition was also excellent. I have a new automatic tea maker that I like very much and enjoy making tea for people who visit.
We moved into the new pharmacy in November. We are no longer next to the cold outside door and are much warmer and safer. We also have more light and room to talk privately to people.
I spent a nice afternoon this fall with my daughter-in-law, Mariah, who taught me how to cook some Indian dishes. This adds some different things to are menu that are healthy.
C and I have been married for six years now. Hooray! Six years and still disgustingly smitten with each other. Take that divorce rate!
This column turned three years old this past May. I know people are reading it because I get comments.
This is just a few of the good things that happened to our family this year. So I raise my tea mug in a toast to the new year and ask just one question of Heavenly Father. Thank you sir, may I have another?
Happy New Year to all of you and your families....Sophie, C, Colby and Scamp (Colby is getting tired of being listed last...)


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