Catching the Spirit

I got a letter from Elder Zee yesterday. He is one of my pen pals, out in this part of the country on a mission. His mission is about over and he will be returning home in three weeks. He is excited not only about going home to his family, but also be cause it is Christmas.
He loves Christmas. Everything about it is fun for him. He and his brother missionaries have drawn names out of a hat to give presents to each other. He is going to read "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" every day to his companion to get him into the spirit. He wants to find a Santa suit, if he can't find that he will get a hat.
Elder Zee has always been enthusiastic. I'm amazed at it and I really hope that he stays that way. I'm not surprised at his attitude.
I don't really share it though. December for most people in retail is something you get through. It means long hours, long lines and grumpy people. Even in a pharmacy people are in a hurry either due to the weather or events to go to. They want everything filled in five minutes. They need their stuff preferably yesterday, but at least now before the copays go up in January. Muzak is playing an endless string of grindingly cheerful music. The same tunes over and over and over again.
C and I used to shop together. We used to take the train into Minneapolis and see the Christmas display at Macy's (Marshall Fields or Dayton's or whatever they call themselves now.) I used to write Christmas cards, decorate the house a bit and have a nice time.
Not anymore. C and I work opposite hours, we are lucky if we can have a meal together, let alone a day to spend in Minneapolis. I had to shop by catalog this year as I simply had no time to shop. The cards have been mailed only because the snowstorm kept us inside. We don't have a tree yet and I'm not having any fun at all.
Then I got Elder Zee's letter. I was wistful. I remember when I didn't hate the Christmas season. I remember when it was fun.
Then I thought, what are some things I liked to do. Bake. I like to bake. I can do that. I can make Christmas cookies. To heck with the calories, that's why we have the elliptical. I can make some cut out Christmas cookies and put sugar and coloured sprinkles on them instead of frosting. I'll make snicker doodles, peanut butter crackers dipped in chocolate and maybe even a pan of gingerbread to eat with the applesauce I made over the weekend.
I've got my stash of Christmas songs that I don't hear at work. Since no one is home I can crank up "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Mambo" if I want.
I felt better. At least I could do something I liked. I have all the supplies I need to bake with. C went to work early today so we could get a tree when he comes home We can spend Saturday night decorating it. I think I know where the lights are.
Yes, that works. I think I'm getting into the spirit now.
Thanks Elder Zee.


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