
"I don't like this!" the woman exclaimed, "You're over here and the bathroom is over there. Why can't they just leave things alone! They were working fine just they way they were!"
I nodded in acknowledgement as I have been doing for all the complaints about the pharmacy moving to its new location in the store. Privately, I thought it was one of the stupidest complaints I'd heard and I've been hearing plenty since we moved into our new spot almost a month ago.
The fact is things weren't working. The new pharmacy has much more light, is much more open and has a space where we can consult with someone privately without blocking any aisles. Since we are no longer near the door, it's warmer and there is a more comfortable waiting area. We have a rubber floor which is much kinder to the feet and backs of those who work there. I feel safer being away from the door, there are a lot of crazy people out there. Someone thinking of robbing the pharmacy will not be able to make a quick getaway.
The old bathroom was also near the doors. It was also dirty and sometimes would smell so bad that it would make my eyes water. The new bathroom is smaller and further away from the door but it is clean and will not be prone to sewer backups.
The fact is our store needed a face lift. In the few years I'd been there a few customers have remarked at how they hate to shop there because it is so dingy. It was well past time for the current remodel.
The woman's complaint made me think of another change that is happening. C's ward (congregation) will be meeting at a different chapel starting in January. When the news was announced I expected a lot of unhappy people. The new building would be more convenient for most of the ward, but they had been meeting in the current building for several years. The ward would also have to share the building with two other wards which means events and things will need to be scheduled around the current occupants' schedules.
The Bishop had gone to several groups in the ward to answer questions and did a masterful job of presenting what could seem like bad news well. Still, I expected some people to grumble and complain. If there were any, I never heard them.
I asked C why. He smiled and said, "Well.. they weren't asked to pack up their things and move west." He makes a good point. I'm not an expert on the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but I do know that throughout the Church's history members have had to leave their homes for various reasons and move elsewhere. With a history like that moving to a different chapel isn't that big a deal. When there are members who have to drive long distances to attend meetings on Sundays, the fact that the new chapel might be a bit further away is hardly noticeable.
These people know how to deal with change gracefully.
I'm hoping that once the dust settles on the store remodel, the complaining woman will see the improvements. Change is sometimes difficult when you are in the middle of it. In the end, things usually work out just fine.


  1. I thought that the Egan ward was moving out so the WSP ward would only have to share with one other ward, which I thought was the White Bear ward. Do you know what time your meetings start?
    I will try to get to performance at 6:30, and I am sure you will do just fine...Jerry


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