Frank's Back!

Frank came back to our house the day after Thanksgiving right on schedule. Frank, for those of you who don't know him, is an Elf on the Shelf. The 'Elf on the Shelf" is a Christmas book about a tradition that a family started. The Elf would show up after Thanksgiving and serve as a scout for Santa Claus letting him know how the children in the house were doing. Every night he would go back to the North Pole to report and in the morning he would be in the house, but in a new spot. Children could talk to the Elf, but he would not be allowed to talk to them. He could, however, "talk" to the adults.
Since we have no children, except grandchildren that visit once in awhile, we had to tweak this tradition a bit. We decided that every other evening one of us would "hide" the Elf for the other to find the next morning. When you buy an Elf you have the option of going online and giving it a name. We named our Frank after Frank Sinatra, my favourite singer. In return we have an official adoption certificate signed by Mr. Claus himself.
We have some rules about hiding Frank. He can only be hidden in the living room, dining room or kitchen and must be some where where he can be seen. That way he can't be hidden in a closet or something. He has had a few days on the living room shelf to scout the area. Starting tonight he'll move to different places around the house.
He must have been having a good time in the off season. C got a couple of emails from him. The last one was in September and the workshop was starting to gear up. When he arrived the day after Thanksgiving he still had that injury from last year when he was seated too close to a hot light bulb. C thinks I should do something to mend it, but anything I could do would most likely make it look worse.
I'm glad Frank is back. People tend to be crabbier than usual during December and it's nice to see a smiling face when I get home. The sight of him in his little red suit, pointed red cap and cheerful expression makes me smile. I also enjoy looking for new places to put him. It can be challenging sometimes to find a place that meets the rules, but requires C to have to hunt for him. Sometimes the cats thwart my plans by moving Frank to a different location. I think Colby likes the hat.
Welcome back Frank.


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