Taking Sun on the Terrace

Hi Everyone,this is Scamp. Sophie,Colby and I are taking some sun on the terrace (deck) this morning. Sophie has always wanted to enjoy a leisurely cup of tea out here,but has not seemed to find time to do so. Today is her birthday and she has the day off of work, so now she has time. I thought I would help her and write her column for her while enjoying the fresh air.
It's already a bit warm out, but the terrace is shaded by a big maple tree so it', nice. There is a light breeze blowing to keep things pleasant. I am sitting on the cement part of the terrace. I like the word terrace better than deck by the way. Someone as handsome as I am should be sitting on a terrace, not on a deck. The cement is a bit cooler which is nice as my coat is pretty thick.
Colby is out here too and has spotted a couple of squirrels. He thought it might be a good idea to catch and kill one of the squirrels and give it to Sophie as a birthday present. I managed to talk him out of it, thankfully. It's not that I'm against hunting, on the contrary I do enjoy meat very much especially fish. Hunting is a messy business and if the squirrel runs then you have to chase it down. Much too time consuming. Also Sophie and C do eat meat once in awhile, I don't think they eat squirrel, so Colby has contented himself with growling at them to let them know that they are invading our territory. I hope the squirrels don't notice that he is wearing a harness. It's a stupid thing, but Sophie insists on it when we go outside. She says it's to keep us from running away. Right, like we would do that. We would always come back, but she still says it's for our own protection. I'm luckier than Colby, my long fur covers mine so it isn't so obvious. That bad part is she also makes us wear a lead and she holds onto the other end. Another safety measure according to her. I think it is another silly human thing. I don't see little humans wandering around with leads on them and they can wander farther than we can.
Excuse me for a minute while I roll.
That felt good. I like stretching out full length and having a good roll. Colby does not do this and doesn't know what he is missing. Sometimes I stretch out full length and Sophie combs my fur. It's much easier to do my sides that way although sometimes she combs my underside which I don't understand. No one sees it so it doesn't need to be combed.
It looks like Sophie has finished her tea and is going inside. Colby is moving toward the door too so I think I will join them. I think it's time for a nap anyway.
Bye for now.


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