Job Applicant

I didn't vote in the recent election. I'm ashamed to write that as I believe it is the duty of every eligible citizen to vote. After the contentious presidential and Minnesota senate races I've lost all faith in the political process. Watching Congress at work ( to use the term loosely) has made me lose even more faith, if that was even possible.
I thought the way that this worked is that my neighbors and I elected people to political office to represent us. That means that they are to act in the best interest of the people they are representing. In exchange the representatives are paid using money that I give to the government in the form of taxes. In other words we are hiring our representatives to work for us.
That means,to me at least, that those people running for office are actually job applicants. I propose that we treat them just like anyone who is applying for a job. I want to know what qualifications they have to do the job they are being hired to do and what experience they have. I want to know what challenges they see for our area/state/country and what kind of plan they have for meeting those challenges. I want them to be realistic about what they think they can do. I would rather have them do more than promised instead of less. If any of them have broken any laws, I want to know about it along with an explanation, just like on any other job application. I want references from people who know them well or have worked with them.
I don't want to see applicants bashing other job applicants. What company ever allows this kind of behaviour? Can anyone think of one company that would hire someone who bad mouths another person applying for the same job? I can't.
Part of the job requires getting along with other people. If an applicant ( person running for office) bashes other people who are applying or the current job holder, all that proves is that the person does not play well with others and that is unprofessional behaviour. This is not a qualification for the job.
I have something to say to those of you who are not running for re-election. Start working together! This is a skill that preschool children can master yet a group of well educated adults can't seem to manage it. You are being paid with my tax money and I expect you to work. That means working WITH the other representatives. I expect nothing less of you than I expect of myself. Even though I may disagree or in some cases dislike people I have worked with, I work with them. I do not insult them, heckle them or hinder them in their duties.
That includes my bosses. I may disagree with the way they do their job, but I respect the position and work with them. You may not like President Obama,but for the next two years he is the head of the government and I expect you to work WITH him. That is what I am paying you to do. If you think that you can do better, you are welcome to apply for his job when it comes open in 2012.
I, along with all the other citizens of this country, are hiring to to represent us. I expect you show up for work. I expect you to act in the best interest of the area/state you represent and to work with your colleagues as needed. I expect you to be professional and respectful of those that disagree. If a sixteen year old working for minimum wage at a fast food place can manage to do this surely you can too.


  1. Not participating in the political process only allows more unqualified people to obtain the office, The key is to find honest people with integrity and support them. The Tea Parties are trying to do just that. When a candidate for office takes the oath to defend the Constitution and then ignores it after elected shows me they are dishonest and not worthy to hold that office. If someone you disagree with is working against everything you believe I don't think working with them is in your best interest. I do agree we must work with our bosses and fellow workers, but our political leaders are a different matter when we see malfeasance in office..


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