
"Superstition: noun 1.A belief held in spite of evidence to the contrary. 2 a. A belief,practice, or rite resulting from the ignorance of the laws of nature of from faith in magic or chance. b. A fearful or abject state of mind resulting from such ignorance or irrationality." The American Heritage Dictionary Second College Edition
Earlier this week I looked at the schedule to see which techs I'd be working with . As I glanced across the days my eyes froze on Friday. I double checked the number over the day of the week. It was definitely a 13. I will be working a 12 hour shift on Friday the 13th. Rats!
I am superstitious. I think it comes of being Italian and being in the medical field. In spite of the above definition I do know the laws of nature and I don't believe in magic. I'm not afraid of black cats, I regularly step on cracks, but I believe that strange things happen during full moons and on Friday the thirteenth.
Several people including C have argued about this with me. I have seen studies that prove that nothing out of the ordinary happens on full moons or on Friday the thirteenth. I've been told that it's all in my mind and that if I think strange things happen it's because I'm looking for them or it's some sort of self fulfilling prophecy.
I don't care. I've been a pharmacist for 17 years, strange things do happen. You ask any emergency room worker, police officer or computer technician and they will tell you the same thing. Strange things happen during full moons and sometimes on Friday the thirteenth. I know. I have talked to people who work in these fields and they agree with me. We can't all be wrong.
That brings me back to this Friday. I am superstitious, but not so much that I will refuse to work on that day. It's not a "fearful, abject state". For me it's more like a warning. I plan to get to work a little bit early in case we have computer problems. I'll be prepared for us to be really busy. I'll also assume that the more interesting to deal with customers are going to come in. Forewarned is forearmed.
So you can see I'm not going to hide under the sheets and wait out the day. I'm going to be at work fully ready for any craziness that might happen. I wonder where my evil eye charm is??


  1. More babies are born during full moons, just ask any nurse..


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