Taking a Dip

C and I are taking a dip. No, we are not going swimming and we are not dipping into any savings. (Did that last month for the furnace.)
We are going to The Melting Pot.
The Melting Pot is a fondue restaurant in downtown Minneapolis. There are many all over the United States. The first one we went to was in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I digress.
I love fondue. I think it stems from the fact that I prefer to "graze". Maybe that's why I like sushi, appetizer platters and meals of more than one course. Fondue is a lot like grazing, it's bits of food dipped in cheese or chocolate or cooked in broth or oil. Yum!
We like to go about once a year or so. Lately we've taken to bringing people with us. One year we brought all of my stepchildren and their significant others if they had them. We brought Carrie and her boyfriend, a boss of mine and his wife and another friend with her boyfriend. We have fun when it is just C and I, but it is even more fun when we share it.
All of the people we've brought have never been there before. We like to watch them enjoy the experience. Each couple shares a fondue pot so our guests can choose for themselves what they like. Most of the time it is different from what C and I have.
Our guests this Saturday are Susan and Kent. We became acquainted with them through church. They invited us to a pie social at their house once and the four of us had a nice conversation in their kitchen. Since then I have wanted to become a bit better acquainted. I know that Kent has a birthday coming up so it seemed like a good time to extend an invitation. (Maybe Susan's birthday is about the same time too, I don't know.) They are also Melting Pot novices. This is going to be fun. We can show them the "search and rescue spoon", the curry sauce that is really good on pork (I don't even like pork and I eat it with this sauce on it.) and all the different kinds of chocolate fondue. We can also get better acquainted in the process.
I'm really looking forward to this. It will make my day go much faster. (I have to work that day.) New friends and fondue....sounds like a great evening to me.


  1. You really do know how to enjoy yourself, and teach other how to do it too! Tradition! It's a wonderful thing.


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