Sophie's Getting Her Hair Done

Hi everyone. This is Scamp. Sophie is having her hair done this afternoon so Colby and I thought we'd write the column this week.

Things are going well here. The plants are outside so there is more room on the shelving unit for me to sit. The windowsills are just too narrow for me. There was one plant with dry branches that is finally gone. Good. I think it poked my eye while I was trying to chew on the plastic wrap around the pot. It did NOT feel good. My eye hurt for a couple of days. Thankfully it's better now or Sophie would take me to the vet. I don't like going to the vet.

I think the last time I wrote I was trying to train the humans to know when an intruder was approaching. I would jump on to the ledge in the dining room and Colby would run either to the door or into the hall. That is the signal for the humans to get up and do something. We finally have them trained. Yesterday I heard something and jumped to the ledge. Colby ran into the dining room. Sophie got up and checked the driveway, just like she was supposed to.

Hi everyone, this is Colby. Scamp has just woke me up and told me to write about how I'm teaching the humans to fetch. I was having a really nice nap. I was all stretched out on the chaise and comfortable and Scamp had to wake me up.

All right..... I have been teaching the humans to play fetch. I have a stick with a red tassel on one end. The humans swing the tassel around and then it lands somewhere and I go grab it. Then I take it and put it somewhere else. The human is supposed to grab the stick and swing the tassel around so I can get it. Sometimes the humans don't understand that they are supposed to come and get the stick. They think I'm supposed to bring it back to them. What do they think I am, a dog or something? (Not that there's anything wrong with dogs. Some of my best friends are dogs.)

C is now getting up in the mornings to exercise with Sophie. I wouldn't mind it much except that sometimes breakfast is delayed up to half an hour. Thankfully we do have some dry food to munch on in an emergency, but breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Scamp! Get back here, I want to nap more!

OK...All right....I'll write some more. What else is there?......Oh, the humans are trying to keep us off the kitchen counter again. This time they have a big spray bottle. I don't like it especially when the water hits my face. It really messes up the fur and sometimes they hit by backside as well. Then I have to lick myself dry. Very annoying. We are both staying off the counter when the humans are home.

Now that the weather is nice I get to sit out on the deck once in awhile. It feels good to lay outside and soak up the sun. I like the way the way my fur looks in the sun.

I'm going to stop writing now, I think Colby has the right idea. A nap would be good. Maybe I'll get a good grooming once the humans come home.....


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