Date Night

I've read several magazine articles on how to have a good marriage. There are all kinds of pieces of advice some of them contradict each other. One thing that most of them say is that it is good to "date" your spouse even after you marry. This sounds like a good idea to me. In fact C and I try to have a "date night" once week or so.
Since we usually work opposite shifts sometimes date night is actually a date lunch or a date breakfast. Those work too especially the date breakfast. It's hard to be upset with your spouse when he's just bought you a two of the biggest, best tasting pancakes you've ever had. That's a topic for another day.
C and I tend to be a bit unconventional. Most people go out on a date night and it involves dressing up and eating in a fancy (expensive) restaurant. We do that sometimes. I have been known to put on a dress, slide my feet into a pair of low heeled shoes, put on some make-up and go out. We do this at least twice a year ,on my birthday and on our anniversary. That's about all I can stand.
So if we don't dress up and go out, what do we do? Well...we do laundry. Yes, you heard me right. We do laundry. A few years ago we were living in an apartment while waiting for our house to sell so we could buy another. Since we did not have a washing machine in the apartment it meant we had to go to the laundromat. So every other week or so on a Friday night,because it isn't crowded on Friday night, we would gather all the dirty clothes and head to the laundromat. While waiting we would read or do puzzles. after the clothes were done we would grab a quick bite to eat and then head home.
Now that we have a house with a washing machine we don't have to do that anymore. Now we grocery shop. Friday night is a great time to buy food. The store isn't crowded. Since it is always a bad idea to buy food when hungry we eat first either at home or out. Then we hit the grocery store and shop in a leisurely manner. If it isn't too late we sometimes stop off for a treat before heading home to stow our purchases away.
Now, I know that it doesn't sound romantic or fun to do the laundry or buy groceries. The whole point of date night is to spend some time together, right? That's what we're doing. Spending time getting something accomplished, together and actually having fun doing it.
Yes, fun and no I'm not being sarcastic nor have I lost my mind. I like going grocery shopping with C. I tease him about buying a can of greens or some celery. (He hates celery.)He teases me about having to have some kind of pastry for Sunday breakfast. (I prefer kosher.) I like having him pick out produce since he is better at it than I am. We talk about all kinds of things and do some discrete people watching. He likes to talk to the baggers as they bag our food. We have a good time.
We also stroll on Summit, listen to a jazz pianist at the Lobby Bar and do other things that are more common for date nights. The important thing is that we do something fun together. And remember to buy milk and cat food....


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