Another Field Trip

It has been raining here for the past week and a half or so. While I don't mind I would like to see the sun shine a little if only because my plants could use a bit of sun. (and so could I)
On Saturday, C and I wanted to go to the Arboretum. Of course it was raining. Instead we went to the Mill City Museum in Minneapolis.
The Mill City Museum is on the site of the Washburn "A" mill and located near the banks of the Mississippi River. It is run by the Minnesota Historical Society and features displays relating to the flour milling business that was a big part of the Minneapolis economy. In the summer they have an outdoor concert series called "Mill City Live"
It's a very interesting place. The mill area had been damaged by fires several times the latest in 1991. After the city had cleaned up the debris, the MHS (Minnesota Historical Society) built the museum using as much of the original structure and leaving in place as much of the original machinery as possible. The result is that visitors can get a good idea of how the mill must have looked when operational.
The museum is located on a very picturesque part of the river. The back of the mill is on the river and there is a park and more mill ruins to look at. There is also the Stone Arch Bridge that people can walk or bike across. No cars though. From the stone bridge you can see the new I 35W bridge that was built after the old bridge collapsed in 2007. Across the river is the St Anthony area of Minneapolis.
Down the street is the renown Guthrie Theater. The Guthrie is also a public building that anyone can go into when it is open. There is a blue glassed in area that looks out over the river. It has an amazing view and is called "Then Endless Bridge". You can also step out onto a balcony to look outside.
I had never been to the Guthrie before. I've been curious about it especially after Carrie started college. The drama program that she is enrolled in works closely with the Guthrie Theater. During the school year she would go to the theater and work on her homework. I thought it a strange thing for her to do until I got a look inside. Now I understand. There are several spots that she could work in including another glass room on the ninth floor. The glass in that room is yellow and it feels like the sun is coming in even on a cloudy rainy day like last Saturday. I'm very grateful that she has the chance to work in such a space and to learn there. I can't imagine walking around there and feeling no inspiration at all.
We'd like to go back to that area and bring our bikes. There was so much to explore that we didn't have time to see. We could spend the better part of a day biking on the trails and exploring a part of the city that I've never seen before. I'd like to go across the Stone Arch Bridge to St Anthony, I've never been there before either.
That's one thing I like so much about where we live. We really don't need to leave town because there is so much here that we haven't explored. Now if it would just stop raining.....


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