
I've been looking forward to today for several weeks. My sister-in-law is in Minnesota. We are going to have lunch with her and her husband today and spend some time with them. I haven't seen them in about five years. We've talked on the phone, emailed and chatted to stay in touch, but it isn't like meeting in person.
Sarah isn't really my sister-in-law. My real sisters-in-law are Doreen and Mertis. Doreen is alright, the less said about Mert the better. Both are quite a bit older than I am and the only thing we have in common is C.
Sarah is married to Dean, a fellow musician that C met many years ago. They are so alike and even have similar backgrounds that they might as well be brothers. Sarah and I also have many things in common. We both like flowers,animals and music. I decided to "adopt" Dean and Sarah as my brother and sister-in-law. That's something I've done for many years. In fact I recently became acquainted with a guy who could have been my brother in another place in time. (Or maybe even a twin, it's possible, we do share a birth date.)
I digress....
Sarah and Dean live in North Carolina. I think they live on or near mountains and I'm told it is very beautiful. I'd like to visit there sometime. The bad part about that is we don't often get to meet. When Sarah wrote to say they were coming up to visit friends and family in Minnesota I knew we needed to take the opportunity to meet.
It wasn't easy. The end of the month is a busy time for C. His work schedule and mine are opposite each other most of the time. We needed to find a time when both of us were off. We also needed to find a halfway point so neither one of us would have to spend all day driving. As much as I want to show off my garden to Sarah, who also likes to grow things, asking them to drive here would be too much. We finally found the time and a hole in the schedule. Hooray!
We both like where we live, but sometimes I wish we lived closer. Sarah has been married longer than I have and she's someone I go to with questions. Since the men we care about are so similar there are things that only the two of us truly understand. Even though we live so far apart from each other knowing that there is one other person who understands is a great gift. Everyone should have a Sarah in their lives. Maybe we wouldn't be such troubled people.
We are going to meet for lunch and then the guys will go off and do guy things and we ladies will have a chat on our own. I'm really looking forward to it. I only have to wait three more hours. Three More Hours.....


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