Things they don't tell you

The status on my Facebook page for part of last week was, "Things they don't tell you until it's too late: When the boss is away the staff has to work a lot harder." I started to think about the things that no one ever tells you. Things that you think are important when you are younger and then find out when you are older that no one really cares.
When the boss is away the staff can relax. Not true. When my boss takes a vacation I wind up working longer hours. It's not that I don't have another pharmacist helping, I do. Still there are some things that the relief pharmacist can't do and it falls on me to see that it's done. Sometimes I have a relief that isn't able to certain things on the computer, which means I have to do them. I'm always glad when my boss is back. I can go back to doing my job. Last year when I was acting pharmacy manager for a few months I never worked so hard in my life. I was so glad when my boss came back that I would have kissed his feet.
No one cares what your GPA was in high school. When I was in high school I missed graduating with high honors by something like .02-3 on my grade point average. I was really angry about that. Classmates who took easier classes than I did got to wear the gold tassel and stole and march at the front of the commencement line. I still graduated with honors so I had a gold tassel and marched after them. I was embarrassed about it. When I got to college, it didn't matter. No one cared.
The hair style you thought was so cool when you got it is going to have you wondering what you were thinking when you see the pictures ten years later. When I got out of college I had a hair style where the back of my hair and the sides where very short and the top was longer. I saw a picture of myself with that hairstyle a few months ago. I couldn't believe it, it was not flattering at all. It looked like I has a giant mushroom on my head. What was I thinking? What made me think that that looked good at all?
The things you say you will never do are the things you end up doing. I was never going to get married and if I did it would have to be to another pharmacist. I thought only someone who is in a health care profession would be able to put up with someone who stays late sometimes and works nights, weekends and sometimes holidays. I didn't think anyone but another pharmacist would understand that it isn't really a job, it's a lifestyle. It's almost a calling. Then I met C, who is a musician. They work crazy hours too. He understands that sometimes you can't stop what you are doing at the end of the shift and leave. It's nice to have the right person to share your life with.
Just because you can't do something once doesn't mean you won't be able to do it later.I had a black thumb when I was a kid. I'd bring home a seedling in a Styrofoam cup from school and two days later it would be dead. No matter what I did I couldn't seem to keep a plant alive. I bet if I had a dandelion in a pot back then I would have killed it. A few years ago I bought a rosemary plant for C. He loves the smell of fresh rosemary. The plant lived all through the summer. I brought it into the house. I managed to keep it alive all winter. Now I have three plants and while two of them are a little sick now, they are still alive. I even have a small violet plant that is still alive.
In fact for the last two years C and I have planted a garden and the plants have grown well. I don't have a black thumb, I can grow plants.
I chuckle now when I think about my younger years. Some people may wish that they were in their teens or twenties again. Not me, I'm enjoying the things they never told me about.


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