Giving my Leafy Friends New Homes

Helen gave me two plants to take home when I visited her last week. One of them was two cuttings rooted in a glass of water and the other a plant in a small pot. She told me that both of them would need potting as soon as possible.
Sunday afternoon I finally found some time to get the job done. I found my large bag of potting soil and a trowel. I filled my watering can with water and added a bit of fertilizer. I took the plants outside. As I crossed the kitchen I noticed the violet and another leafy vining plant near my kitchen sink. Both of them looked cramped in their pots. As long as I was potting I might was well repot them too. I collected them and put them outside.
My empty pots were lined up on the inside of the garage. I found a red and white pot for the cutting, a cream coloured pot with flowers on it for the other plant and two blue pots for the violet and vine.
The first plant would be the vine. I filled the new pot with soil and gently shook the vine out of its pot. The white roots were tightly coiled. I shook them gently to loosen them and hoped they would spread out in the new pot. I covered the roots with soil, patted it firmly and then gave it a drink. I did the same with the violet.
The cutting was a bit challenging as it was long and vining. I patted the soil firmly around it but the plant kept tipping out of the soil. I was afraid that the roots would pull out and the plant would die. I mounded a bit of the soil around it and patted it again. This time it stayed up. The last plant was the one in the small pot. It was actually two smaller plants. Since I didn't have another pot at hand to use I decided to put them in one pot with a bit of space between them. I could always get another later if I needed it.
After the plants were secure in their new homes I gathered them around me and did something I have never done before. I prayed. I asked God to bless the plants so they would grow strong. While I was at it I asked God to bless the garden too that it might grow good vegetables, healthy herbs and flowers for all to enjoy. I asked for His help as I tried to take care of the patch of earth the was granted to me and that I might be a good caretaker of all the lives entrusted to me both plant and animal.
The day was sunny and warm and the sky a lovely blue. I decided that the plants could do with a good dose of sun before I brought them indoors. They will be brought out again when it is warm enough to leave them out at night too.
In the evening I brought them in. I put the vine and violet back in the kitchen by the sink. The other two plants went into the office. Since I didn't know if they were poisonous to cats I needed to put them in a room where they would be closed off from them. They would be fine, the office is nice and sunny. As long as I remember to water them they will be fine until they could go outside.
I checked them all before I started writing this and they are all still alive and seem to be doing well. I remember Helen saying to me that she was glad they were going to a good home. I was pleased by that and hoped that the plants and I would live up to her expectations. Right now they are off to a good start.


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