Meet Ms Potts

I finally got it. The shop called and the Fine T Gourmet Tea Machine had arrived. Last Wednesday we went to the shop and picked it up. I also picked up some tea. Not that I need more tea, but part of what I'm trying to do is decrease my coffee consumption. The shop had a tea blend that they market for just such a purpose so I bought some.
The guy who sold it to me gave me two pieces of advice. The tea maker has seven programs, each heats the water to a certain temperature and has a different steeping time. The program you use depends on the type of tea that you want to brew. He suggested that I write on my tea containers the correct program so I won't have to keep looking it up. He also said that if I wanted to reuse the tea leaves I brewed I could take out the basket and put it in the fridge to be used later. Then I wouldn't have tea leaves getting moldy in my machine. I thanked him and took my prize home.
It was a busy Wednesday so I did not have time to do much with it. Thursday I took it out of the box and cleaned it. Then I read the owner's manual. I didn't have time to brew anything right way, so I decided to set it up so I could have a nice hot cup of tea ready when I got home from work. I have some tea called "Night, Night" that I like to drink before bedtime. I put some of this in the basket and poured water into the water compartment. I set it to program three and set it to start brewing a 9 PM. That way it would be ready to drink when I got home.
When I got home that night I saw that it had worked just like it should have. There was a nice pot of tea sitting on its warming pad waiting for me. I poured a cup for myself and another for C. We toasted each other with our mugs. It worked! After we drank up our tea I cleaned it up and set it up again. This time I used the new tea I bought with the maker. I set the time so it would be done after my morning workout.
The next morning as I was working out I could hear the tea maker turn itself on. By the time I had finished the tea was ready to drink. I fed the cats and poured myself a cup. I took a sip. It was wonderful,not too strong,not too weak. I poured some into my travel mug to take to work. I finished the rest of it and made another pot. It was slightly weaker, but still very good. I could certainly drink this in the morning instead of coffee. I could even use some of the flavoured sugars I have for a bit of a treat.
As you can tell I'm very happy with my new toy. C likes it too. He asked if we could make ice tea in it. We can,we just use twice as much tea and then let it cool. If we used black tea and stirred in some sugar and lemon before it cools,we could make sweet tea. (C likes southern sweet tea.)
I haven't tried anything in it except herb tea yet. I'd like to try some black tea and maybe some green tea. (I have tried to drink green tea before and to me it tastes like grass clippings.) There are some rooibis blends that the tea shop has that I want to try too, but I need to use up some of what I have before I buy more.
I'm looking forward to warmer weather. I plan to sit out on the deck and relax with a nice cup or two of tea.


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