Claiming my reward

I have decided to buy the teapot. I placed third in the speech contest, survived my boss's one week vacation and handled a stressful two weeks more or less pretty well. I decided that I could reward myself with the automatic tea maker I wanted.
I had read all the reviews that I could find. The were mostly positive, the only thing people didn't like is that all the temp settings are preprogrammed and cannot be changed. Since I don't drink white or green tea which requires the lower temps and more delicate handling I thought it would work out just fine.
The nearest shop that sells the pot is in the Mall of America. We called them up. They didn't have any in stock at present, but would be getting some in a shipment next week. They suggested we call the Maple Grove store.
Maple Grove had them and C got directions to the store. Maple Grove is a northern suburb and a pretty good distance away. C was not feeling well, but knew how badly I wanted that teapot. He agreed to drive up there.
Carrie had a rehearsal to go to so we dropped her off at college and headed out. That wasn't as easy at it sounds. We knew we needed to get on the interstate and we saw several signs pointing us to exits all in the wrong direction. C was getting increasingly impatient and irritable as we drove around and around looking for an exit. I was no help to him as I was completely lost. I was also getting a bit nervous. I knew we needed to stop and get gas pretty soon and I was beginning to think that this trip was not a good idea.
We finally stopped at a gas station and regrouped. C got his bearings and we started out again. This time we found the right exit and headed north. I didn't realise just how far north we would have to go. I would owe C big time for this. We went past all the suburbs that I knew and were looking at signs pointing us to St. Cloud. Oh, boy.
Then I saw a sign that said Maple Grove. I was excited. Pretty soon we would be headed back home with my new teapot. I'd get to enjoy a nice Sunday morning cup of tea. We found the complex of stores and looked for a place to park.
We went into the tea shop. The doors were open to let the fresh warm air in. The sun was shining, the sky was blue and I was going to get my reward at last. I walked over to one of the clerks and explained that we were here to pick up a teapot and that we had called ahead.
He said they didn't have one. I was mad clear through. I asked him why were were told that they had them in stock. He replied that they did have one, but it was defective. I was now mad clear through about eight times over. I always thought that standard procedure was to check product for defects when it comes in. I would have thought that at least the pot would have been marked as defective so that it could not be sold by accident.
"You've got to be kidding," I said, "we drove 40 miles out here because you said you had one and now you don't!" I was proud of myself for being restrained. The clerk was instantly sorry. He told me they would be getting more in. They could even ship it to me. I told him no. We would go back to the Mall of America. It was closer and we would get it there. We left the store. On our way out another clerk offered us a tea sample. I brushed by her without acknowledgement.
We went to the Mall of America store. I explained to the clerk there what had happened in Maple Grove and that I was a pretty angry customer.They understood why and agreed with me. I asked them to put my name on a pot when it came in and to call us when it arrived. They offered to ship it. With my luck it would get damaged in shipping. I told them that would not be necessary, we lived close and could pick it up.
I was disappointed. I was so looking forward to using that teapot. Oh well... good things come to those who wait. right? Patience is a virtue. All things happen in good time.....


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