More Like Home

It only took us two years and three months, but we finally have pictures on the walls.
When we moved here there were a few assorted nails and screws where the previous owners had things hanging. I put a few pictures up to cover those spots. I just put up what I thought would work thinking that later we would plan it better. I didn't realise it would take so long. The rest of the pictures went downstairs to store.
Last fall I decided I wanted them up. I convinced C to help me and we brought all the pictures upstairs. We decided the best way to do this was to put them on the floor near where we wanted them and to hang them if we decided that we liked the spot. We distributed them throughout the house. The smaller cat pictures went in the hall along with my print of 'North Dakota in 87 Exits'. 'Life in the Vast Lane', another North Dakota print, found a home in the living room by the coat closet. A picture of cats in red hats fit just right on a wall between the living and dining rooms. We put them on the floor thinking they would be hung in a week or two.
Three months later I couldn't stand it anymore. Some of the pictures were in bubble wrap and the cats were playing with it. I wanted them up. We got some hooks at Menard's and went to work. The watercolors I bought in Italy went into the dining room instead of the living room and a picture of cats and books went into what we now call the office. Everything was hung except the shadow box with wedding momentos and two pictures that were in our old bathroom.
It's amazing how much better the walls look with a little art on them. C was a bit unhappy with the two North Dakota prints thinking that people would think we had a fixation on the state. I bought them when I was in college at North Dakota because they are quirky and unusual. I told him they would be fine and if anyone commented he could blame me.
I was told once to live in a house for awhile before painting or making other cosmetic changes. I've found it to be a good rule. You get a feel for the house and what would look best. So far I want to paint my bathroom a lighter colour since it is so small, the kitchen a slightly different shade of green and our bedroom. The bedroom is yellow and so is most of the house. I imagine a nice warm blue shade peaceful, but not cold and depressing.
Our house is special to me. When C and I first saw the house we knew it was perfect for us. We were both so excited it was hard to hide our enthusiasm from the realtor hosting the open house.
I wanted it to be a place where people would feel welcome and happy. I want it to be a place where all my stepchildren can come and spend time with each other. It is a step by step process and that is OK. With each step it feels more and more like home.


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