A Few Words

A friend of mine said she was "gobsmacked" by some poetry she had read. She has this massive vocabulary and every time I have coffee with her it is a treat as I always learn something new. Gobsmacked has so many great images that go along with it. It got me thinking about some of my favourite phrases,words and quotes. I'd like to share them with you.
High octane pain in the ass. I read this in a book once. It is one of the worst insults I use. Not just an ordinary every day, mildly annoying person. This is someone who drives me up a tree on a regular basis. It coveys how I feel with a minimum of bad language.
"We do not know what is normal, we only know what is customary." I have no idea where this quote came from or who said it. This one was a lot of comfort to me when I was younger. I didn't fit in to any groups or cliques in school. It was difficult not being like everyone else. They were "normal" I was not. Now that I'm older I've found lots of people who are like me.
Wildebeest I just like the sound of this. It's an African antelope according to the dictionary. I use it in phrases like"Dan had all the charm of an enraged wildebeest." Doesn't that conjure up a picture for you? Enraged is also a good word.
One of my favourite TV shows is MASH. There are a lot of good lines in MASH. Two that I like are from Col. Sherman Potter. "What in the name of Marco blessed Polo is going on here!" I'd love to be able to use this one. The occasion has never arisen. In one episode he's drinking some scotch and says, "There's not enough ohs in smooth to describe this." I like how it it creates a clear image in nine words.
Defenestrate is another word I like. It means to throw something or someone out of a window.
It's not a useful word, but then I tend to like words I can't use much. I'm not sure if I did use it if anyone would understand what I said. (People in my Toastmasters club might know, I used it as a word of the day once.)
"When 900 years old you reach look as good you will not" This a quote from Yoda from the movie,Return of the Jedi. It's not the words themselves I like so much as the order that they are in. I tend to do this once in awhile as in "for what are you looking?" It's bad grammar,I know. I just like it.
These a just a few of the many words and phrases that I like. I used to keep a small notebook with quotes and lines. I lost it in one of the many moves that I've made. I notice my friend with the large vocabulary keeps such a book and once in awhile she will add something I have said to it. I'll have to follow her example and start another. Words to a writer are like colours to a painter and the more I have in my box, the better off I'll be. (I read that someplace too.)


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