Humans are Strange

Hello everyone, Colby here. Scamp says he has to have a nap so I'm writing this all by myself.
I have been living here for nearly a year now. I lived with a human before, she was my foster human, but hid most of the time or stayed around other animals.
Humans are strange. I will give you an example. Yesterday I heard Sophie say she was under the weather. I know that the weather is in the sky and that we are below the sky. That means we are all under the weather all the time.
There is a tree in the house. Scamp says that last year around this time the humans got a tree and put in in the house. There are all kinds of toys hanging from the branches. The humans yell at me when I try to play with them. If they don't want me to play with them, they should not put them out. There are also lights on the tree on a green string. The string is fun to chew on, but Sophie doesn't want me to chew on the string. I chewed on one string and the lights went out. I hope they can be fixed, they were fun to watch. they would blink and chase and do all kinds of neat things. The tree sits in the biggest water dish I have ever seen. I like to drink from it now and then and it is a good place for me to wash my toys.
In the morning Sophie gets up, puts on what she calls her "workout clothes" and goes downstairs to this funny thing that Scamp says is an elliptical. She gets on it and pedals and moves these levers back and forth. She gets all out of breath and sometimes has to stop to rest and drink some water. I don't understand this, if it's so hard why do it. Then she switches to another TV station that has people doing things like kicking their legs or laying on the floor and trying to sit up. Sophie watches this and does whatever the person on TV does. Another thing I don't understand. She could be doing something else more important like getting my breakfast for me. (I get hungry in the morning.)
In the morning she carries around a small odd shaped water dish. It has some black water in it that is hot and smells funny. I wouldn't drink it. Obviously it is not clean.
Sophie sometimes combs my fur. She doesn't seem to realise that I don't have long hair like Scamp. He needs to be combed because he has so much fur that he'd have to spend all day grooming himself. He also likes to be brushed and combed. I don't. My fur is short and I can take care of it myself, thank you.
I do like my humans. There are lots of soft places to nap,both of them are good at giving me attention when I want it and sometimes we have the house to ourselves. The other humans that visit are nice and will sometimes play with us. I like my brother, Scamp, a lot. So I guess I can tolerate the odd things that the humans do.
Sometimes I play tricks on them. C thinks that he has me trained to roll over when he tells me to. That's so funny. I have him trained to say "roll over" when I want to roll over. So gullible...
It is my nap time now. I have a spot on the bed that looks good and I want to get there before Scamp does. By the way, don't tell C I have him trained. It will spoil the fun.


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