Am I the only one?

Football playoffs are going on right now. I'm not a huge fan, but I have a few teams that I cheer on. My favourite team as many of you know is the Green Bay Packers. They were defeated by the Arizona Cardinalsa few weeks ago. The other team I like is the Indianapolis Colts. I started following them when Tony Dungy was the coach as Dungy is a class act.

Like most Green Bay fans I do not like the Minnesota Vikings. I would rejoice every January as they would start to lose and not make it to the playoffs. I would shake my head over the dumb stuff that the players would do and the embarrassing situations that they would find themselves in. Green Bay players would never act that way.

Now the Vikings are playing this weekend and the winner, I think, will be playing in the Super Bowl. Everywhere I look I'm seeing purple and gold. Everyone is excited about the Vikings who play New Orleans later today. I'm sure a lot of fans are checking into the possibility of going to the Super Bowl. Show your spirit! Get behind the home team!

I think I'm the only one who is not rooting for them. Not even the fact the Brett Farve, the former Green Bay quarterback, now plays with them could make me root for the Vikings. In fact, when Farve signed with the team I'm sure my screams could be heard as far as Mankato. I knew that he still wanted to play but did he have to sign with them? Anyone, anyone else would have been better.

It's weird being in the minority like this. During the season, there are other Green Bay fans around so I don't feel so alone. I don't see anyone that is saying they are pulling for New Orleans. Yesterday we went to the grocery store for our usual shopping trip. Everyone seemed to be wearing a Vikings jersey many of them with Farve's number on it. I felt like an atheist at a church tent revival meeting.

I do hope that it isn't a blowout, they aren't fun to watch. For the sake of all the people I saw wearing Vikings jerseys I don't want the Vikings to be embarrassed, I just want them to lose. By about two touchdowns.


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