Willow goes to the vet

   Yesterday was Willow's first visit to the vet. I was a little nervous about how it would go. For the past 20 plus years I have had to deal with cats that hated going to the vet. One of them to the point that we needed to give him drugs to calm him down so he could be handled.

   The first hurdle to taking a cat to the vet is to get them into their carrier. That was not a problem. Fortunately Willow does not hide under furniture much so it was no challenge to pick her up and put her into the carrier with a few toys.

   We put the carrier into the back seat of the car and pulled out of the driveway. Willow started to mew and cry. She's not very big so she's not very loud. C and I talked to her and reassured her as we drove. Fortunately the vet office is not far away.

   The vet clinic changed it's drop off policy since we were there last. Up until now we needed to call the clinic and let them know we had arrived. They would take information by phone and then let us know when we could come in. Now we could just come into the clinic. I was grateful. It was pretty warm outside and it could get a bit stuffy in the car even with the air on.

   The clinic just hired a new veterinarian. I was excited to meet her. I had emailed the clinic about Willow and gave them most of her information. The vet tech had a few questions, then he left to get the doctor.

  The doctor and the tech gave Willow an exam. She did really well. The vet said that she looked perfectly healthy and she had no skin issues or ear mites. The vet tech gave Willow a treat to lick while the vet gave her her first distemper vaccine. Willow didn't mind at all, she was very involved in licking her treat. They needed to do a little lab work so they took her to a back room for a blood draw. The doctor stayed to answer a few questions and then went to see how the blood draw went. 

  The tech brought Willow back and told us that she did just fine. I was relieved, blood draws are not fun. I paid the bill and we put Willow back into her carrier. 

   I think she knew she was on her way home, because she didn't mew much. 

   This morning the vet office called. She was tested for two kinds of diseases and both tests came back negative. I was sure they would but you never know. 

   She'll have to go back a few more times for booster shots and spaying. At least the first visit went well. I am grateful.



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