New Floor


   C and I had been talking about replacing the carpet downstairs for several years.  I was never a fan of carpet anywhere in a house. Also years of soiling by Scamp and other issues had left the carpet with a nasty smell that could never be completely eliminated. We finally decided that this would be a good time to get it done. Once cleaned up and organized it would make a great family room. Our basement is dug a bit deeper than normal so it is nice and cool during the summer. In the winter an electric heater shaped like a wood stove keeps the room very comfortable.

   What first peaked our interest in replacing the carpet was an ad from a flooring company that kept appearing in the email. The company offered 50% off new flooring and installation. C met with them and he discovered something. In the small print toward the bottom of the ad was a disclaimer. Offer not available in Minnesota or Tennessee. We got a quote for them anyway. C went to work finding another company.

   He found a local company and requested a quote. The man who came out was very nice. He had a good variety of samples. He also had a neat program that allowed us to see what the flooring would look like in our room.  After some discussion we decided to go with the local company. We prefer to do business with local people anyway. 

   Yesterday we cleared out the room. We had to move some things around in our storeroom. We had a lot of things to recycle and throw away. While we worked we talked about what we wanted to do once the flooring was installed. C wanted to get a better stand to put the TV on. The one we have now is small and unstable. I want to put shelving in the downstairs closet to make a usable place to keep linens and several nice blankets that we had forgotten about.

   C pulled out a cat tree that has a scratching post on it. I cleaned it off so Willow can use it, she's been starting to scratch on things. 

   We got everything put away except of the couch which was too heavy for us to move. The crew installing the flooring would be able to move it as needed. The room looked a lot different without the clothes racks, elliptical and the chairs. We felt pretty confident that it would look nice when it was done. 

  We are both looking forward to our new floor. With the hot summer weather coming up, it will be a cool place for us to retreat to. 


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