Just Like That


           Sometimes things happen pretty quickly. You don't always get the option of a contemplation before you have to make a big decision. When that happens you make the best choice you can and then deal with the results.

   C and I had something like that happen late last week. Over the weekend we had been asked to kittensit. We had a wonderful time with Wren who kept us entertained. We loved having her visit. It was going to be very hard waiting until the fall to adopt cats.

   Last Thursday, Nena came back from her trip and picked up Wren. C and I were sad to see her go. 

   Then it happened. Nena sent C a message on Friday asking if we would like to take Wren. C and I were both floored. This was not something we had expected. I wondered if Nena had misunderstood a message I had sent. She told me that she had a three year old cat. I responded that if the two cats didn't get along we would take Wren. My intention was to give her an option in case she needed to rehome Wren. I wasn't asking her to give me her cat.

   I sent Nena a message asking her if she was sure that she wanted to give Wren to us. I knew that Nena loved Wren even though she hadn't had her for long. I also knew that Nena thought Wren was special. I asked her if we could talk on Sunday. I wanted to take Wren, but only if Nena couldn't keep her. 

   Nena wasn't feeling well on Sunday so the conversation was held over the phone. I was able to determine to my satisfaction that the three year old cat had changed her behaviour and Nena was worried. Clearly the resident cat was not happy with the new addition to the household. With that I cheerfully agreed to take Wren.

   C was a little more reluctant. I don't blame him. There were reasons why he wanted to wait until fall and those reasons were good ones. Given the chance to take a kitten that we were already fairly familiar with was too good an opportunity to pass up.

   I asked Nena if she could take care of Wren until Wednesday. That would give us time to buy a few thing and get some cleaning done. Poor C had to bear the brunt of the cleaning as I had to work on Tuesday.

   We picked Wren up this morning and decided to change her name to Willow. It just seem to fit better with her dove grey fur and blue eyes. Even though Willow is not a noisy cat, the silence  and loneliness that filled the house when we lost Scamp started to dissipate. We will always love Scamp as we do all the other cats that have lived with us and then moved on. We are happy to welcome Willow to our family.





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