
   The temperatures are going up and the snow is melting. Assuming we don't get a snowstorm in March or April (which can happen), spring is coming to Minnesota.

   That means that there are spring projects to tackle.

   The first one is to get the house resided. We attempted to do this last year, but were thwarted by Covid. The factory manufacturing the siding we wanted closed production. Fortunately the company that was to do the installation was kind enough to patch our existing siding to get us through the winter. We're pretty anxious to get the new siding as our house is looking pretty shabby. The woodpeckers will have to go elsewhere to find food.

   C has decided that we are going to start painting the interior of the house. It's time. We've lived here for 12 years or so and have not done anything. The first thing to be painted is the guest bathroom. It's windowless and painted brown so it is a bit of a cave. I think that painting the walls a gold colour may brighten it a bit. It would also match the moon and stars shower curtain and the terra cotta coloured flooring. Eventually the entire main floor of the house will get a fresh coat of paint. Some of the rooms will be painted a new colour. 

Warmer weather also means that it is planting season. I'm interested to see what will happen with the Siberian iris and daisies that I planted. My plan is to plant the flower side of the garden with perennials so I will not need to buy new plants every year. We always plant tomatoes and peppers, this year I hope to plant another vegetable.

   Spring also means that it's time to practice a hymn for the Easter worship service. This year the hymn we are to play is 'The King Of Love My Shepherd Is'. It's a lovely tune which I'll play on the harp with C playing his six string guitar. I like the idea of playing a song about a shepherd on the harp.

   I'm working on some knitting projects right now. My niece, Lissa and my friend, Celine are both pregnant. I'm making a blanket for Celine and will make a towel and some washcloths for Lissa. The blanket is nearly done. 

  C and I are not the only busy ones in the house. Scamp also has things to do. Last week he had some dental surgery and has been recovering. The warmer weather means that he's been watching out the windows to make sure that no intruders invade his territory. 

   I'm hoping that this year we might invest in a outdoor clothesline. I've always loved seeing sheets and towels hanging outside in the fresh air drying.

   Before it gets too warm I plan to make another batch of chili and some lasagna. I haven't made lasagna in awhile and it's time. This month is also the month that I get my annual Shamrock shake.

   It's time to shake off the hibernation of winter and get moving again. Pretty soon there will be bike trails to rise. Day trips to take and new memories to make. Spring is coming.





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