Scamp At 13


   Hello! This is Skamp!

   Sophie can't think of anything to write about so I offered to write the column for her.

   My birthday was this week. I turned 13 years old. I'm not sure how that translates into human years and I don't want to know. I had a wonderful birthday. I got to nap all day except when Sophie thought I looked cute and had to take a picture. She served me Mixed Grill cat food for my meals and gave me some treats. The only thing that would have made it better is if my buddy, Colby, was here to enjoy my day with me.

   On Monday Sophie got a shot that made her sick. She got cold at bedtime and took the wool blanket that I was sleeping on to cover herself with. She was nice enough to leave me a corner to lay on but I was still a little irate.  I supposed I should have been nicer.  After all, she didn't know that she was going to feel sick after the shot. She should have though, she is a pharmacist.

   Sophie's friend, Helen, sent an email to me. There was a picture of this strange looking cat in the email. His ears were all folded up which I guess is normal for him as he is a Scottish Fold cat. He's not bad looking, I actually think he's got cool looking stripes. However I would not want to have folded hears. I think nicely placed and shaped ears make a cat look very distinguished. Lions, tigers, cheetahs and panthers all have nicely set ears that do not flop. I, personally, have beautiful ears. They are my best feature. I also have a handsome fringed tail as all good Maine Coons have.

   A few weeks ago I had some dental work. I'm not happy about it. They pulled out nearly all my teeth and shaved two spots on my legs. I was upset about it. Sophie told me that the teeth were rotting out so they needed to come out.  I guess I'm all right with that. At least I still have my top canine teeth. (That should be feline teeth since I am a cat.) I was concerned that I wouldn't look fierce enough to scare off intruders. Sophie assured me that I am big enough and fierce enough to scare away anything that would harm my humans. She also told me that the hair that was shaved off would grow back. Still, I make sure to keep my paws folded do no one can see them.

   I'm looking forward to warmer weather. Once it gets warm out I can go out on my harness. I'm looking forward to sitting out on the deck or maybe the front yard. I like being on my harness much better than being in the play pen. 

   It's almost time to eat so I need to go now. 





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