Virtual Toastmasters

   With the restrictions on gathering in place, the Small Town Toastmasters suspended meetings for awhile.
  Then we got on board with the latest in technology. Now we are meeting on Zoom. The past few weeks we have not had any speakers so we have been doing meetings with only Table Topics. This worked well while we were all getting used to doing things via video instead of in person.
  I decided it was time to jump out of my comfort zone and give a speech. Giving the speech was not a problem, Giving a speech on video was going to be strange. For starters it would mean that I would have to look at myself while I speak. For someone who dislikes looking at herself this is a challenge. Another issue is the fact that I would be giving a humorous speech. In a humorous speech, the speaker depends on the audience reaction to know how the speech is going. How was I going to be able to handle that? I'd find out.
   I researched my favourite comedians. I looked up their birth dates and the death dates for those that had passed away. I researched what mediums they used and what they were known for. I found a quote or joke from each. I wasn't quite as prepared as I wanted to be. Since the weather was not good the past few days we were working on organizing our downstairs storeroom. Once we finished that for the day, I had trouble working on the speech. There are some things that must be done in the morning, at least for me.
  This morning I gave my speech. It didn't go as well as I had hoped. I felt seriously stuck by having to give it seated. Normally I would be standing and walking around. However I don't have the technology that lets me do this. I didn't like that I got nervous and teared up a little bit. I really didn't like having to look at myself. My hair was all over the place and I just didn't look put together. Worst of all since I had no audible reaction from my audience, I didn't know if any of the jokes I picked were funny. The timing of the speech wasn't very good. I later found out my connection failed during the first part of the speech so some of it got lost.
  The comments I got were kind. Everyone appreciated the speech and the opportunity to laugh. Many of the remembered the comedians I spoke about. One of the guests at the meeting was a young woman who mentioned that she enjoyed Bob Newhart's rendition of Lincoln vs Madison Ave. I was surprised.
  I'm hoping that the restrictions get lifted soon. I want to earn my Advanced Toastmaster Silver designation and I have two more speeches left. I'm teaming up with my friend Dana to finish them. I'm hoping we'll be able to do them in person. I think it would go a lot better if we did.
  If not though, I'll adjust. Somehow I will have to find a way to not look at myself though......


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