It Happened Again

   Those of you who read this column may remember that I don't watch much TV. For the past few years my TV consumption has consisted of CBS Sunday Morning (which I had to quit watching this year as our ward's worship devotional starts at the same time.), Star Trek: The Next Generation, and occasional episodes of MASH and Deep Space Nine. This changed a couple weeks ago when I happened upon an episode of God Friended Me.
  I had heard about the show before, but was turned off by the title. Do we really need show that feature Facebook? I didn't think so. Then I watched an episode. I liked it a lot.
   The show's main character is an young African American man maned Miles. Miles is an atheist who starts getting friend requests from an account called "God". Although he thinks this is some kind of hoax being played on him, he follows along. In the process he winds up helping those he is led to sometimes in ways he does not expect. In the last episode, Miles has to face someone who feels he was harmed by Miles' help with another person. In this quest Miles is helped by his friends, Cara and Rakesh. It's interesting, sometimes funny and very entertaining. The actors are good, the writing is excellent. It's a nice uplifting show.
   It's been cancelled. Of Course. That's pretty much what happens to anything that I like. In fact the cancellation of another fine show,The Education of Max Bickford, is the reason why I quit watching most TV in the first place. It's hard to find a show that doesn't involve sex, violence or people making fun of others. It's worse when you do find one and it gets cancelled immediately. I suppose networks have  to fall back on the formats that make money, even if they are clones of five or six other shows. Uplifting isn't really interesting.
  I found a link where I could send feedback to the network. I know it won't cause them to reinstate the show, but at least I could speak up. The link doesn't work. Figures, they probably don't want to hear from anyone who is not happy about their decision.
  The last show is on next week, I'll be watching. Maybe I'll be able to find the shows from the first season so I can watch a little longer. Then it'll be back to before. Maybe that's a good thing. I'll have more knitting time......


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