Spring Planting

   The sun is out. The weather forecast is for a warm day. I have a bag of plants and seeds that I got from Dana. It's time to plant.
   I believe this urge to get my hands in the dirt must be from my country roots. I've noticed that those who farm or live around those who do seem to have a strong connection to the land. As I've gotten older this desire to plant things has gotten a bit stronger.
  This year I especially want to get things planted. I want something cheerful to look at and something to do outside. Especially as it looks like everything is going to be closed for most of the summer. That means no trips to the Arboretum, assuming they stay closed.
  I'm not a master gardener, but I can at least plant a few things. I can't do worse than last year when I let the garden completely go to seed. There were weeds as tall as I am in the garden by the end of the summer. The only flowers the grew were the ones that came back every year.
  Of course this neglect means more work this year. Somehow two trees started to grow near our climbing rose. We cut those out, but we may need to do it again. A small pine seedling has started growing near the climbing rose as well. I want to dig that out and plant it someplace else. Pines are good trees to have around.
  I found a packet of wildflower seeds that someone sent me from Colorado. They're two years old but I'm planting them anyway. Something might come up. I haven't lost anything by putting them in the ground.
  Dana gave me some bulbs and daisy seeds. I'm very excited about the daisies. I haven't had any of those in a garden since I was a kid. I loved picking and playing with the daisies. I made crowns picked bouquets. There is just something very cheerful about daisies. I'm also hoping that bees and butterflies will be attracted to them.
  There are supposed to be some iris and lilies in the bag that I got. I've never planted either before. I'm hoping that the iris will do well. C will like it those come up. I think his mother or grandmother likes irises.
  I'd like to plant a few vegetables and a couple of herbs. It looks like greenhouses might be open so I can buy the plants I want. Those things will be planted later, probably on Memorial Day.
  It's getting warmer so I'm going to stop here. I have a few things to get done before I go outside. I'm really looking forward to this.....


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