
     I have tried a variety of things to stay in shape as I grow older.  I've done walking, Tae Bo, The 30 Minute Shred, 20 minutes on an elliptical, spinning (on a stationary bike) and running. I'm one of those people who works out faithfully for a period of several months but then gets bored. Although I kept up spinning for a couple years.
    C and I have decided that what works best for us right now is a brisk morning walk. Sometimes we don't get the walk in. It's raining or I have a long day at work. I've found that I like to do yoga.
   I've done yoga off and on (mostly off) for a few years. I get frustrated because I have trouble holding the poses or I don't feel like I'm progressing at all. I would probably help if I actually took classes with a live instructor. Sometimes when C and I go walking on Grand Avenue, I see people going to or coming from a yoga studio. They are all young. They are all thin, except for the men who are well built. None of them look anything like me. There's nothing more demoralizing than going to an exercise class and looking like Hilda the Dancing Elephant. They all have matching yoga gear too. They aren't wearing running pants and a T-shirt. They have straps for their mats. I bet that they don't use blocks, bolsters or belts.
  Lately, I've found free yoga videos on YouTube. (I'm betting my yoga instructor friends are gasping in horror.) I found several that I really like. They are meant for beginners and they demonstrate several variations that can be done. One thing I like is that the instructors look like real women. They don't look fashion model thin. They have muscles. They have friendly encouraging manners and they all say to go at your own pace. One video even has a small white cat that can be seen playing while the instructor does the routine.
  I'm amazed at what a good workout yoga is. One of the videos I like is a series of sun salutations with variations. When I'm finished with it I feel energized, but I also feel like I've worked out. My other favorite is a stretching one. I like how I feel after I've done it. My joints feel loose and I just feel good.
  The only thing I don't like about yoga is the pose called 'down dog'. I just feel awkward doing it.  You put your hands and feet on the ground so that you are making a "V" shape. It seems like every yoga video I've seen has an instructor that loves down dog and does it several times in the routine. I must admit that it does give your hamstrings a good stretch. There is an upward facing dog. I can't do it. Not strong enough.
  My two favorite poses are warrior and sleeping pigeon. Warrior is a standing lunge. For some reason when I can do it without wobbling, I feel really strong and powerful. Sleeping pigeon is a stretch. It's a pose I can actually do and it feels good.
  I could use a good stretch right now.... I think I'll finish and grab my mat. I've got just enough time before I have to start dinner. Maybe I'll go out on the deck.....


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