
   C has decided that I need a smartphone. I have been using a flip phone for the last 20 for so years. It has served me well, except when I lose it. It's not very big. Lately, some changes have been made to our wireless plan. In order to get the most out of the new plan, I need a smartphone.
  I have serious mixed feelings about this. On one hand, a smartphone would make things easier at work. My colleagues all communicate by text. Having a smartphone would make texting and reading texts easier. Sometimes I need to send an image of something. Right now I rely on the techs to take and send pictures with their phones. If I had my own smartphone, I could do it myself.
  On the other hand, smartphones are not cheap. When you do get one it's out of date in less than five years. I don't think that I should have to be "connected" 24/7. I also know too many people who spend way to much time staring at their little screens. They look like zombies walking around fixated on the device in their hand. I've even seen people riding bikes while looking at their phones. How do these people not get into accidents? I don't want to be a smartphone zombie.
  C thinks I should have an iPhone because he has one and can help me learn to use it. I do use an iPad so he does have a point there. However, I do think I could learn to use a different one if it is more cost effective. Really all I need to know is how to make a phone call, how to answer the phone, how to text and how to take a picture and send it to someone. I was told by one of my coworkers that I would probably enjoy having a "bitmoji" (I'm not sure if I spelled that right.) I have no idea what that is. I'm sure I'll find out.
  C's original plan was for me to have one by the end of the week. I'm not sure if that is going to happen. Maybe he'll forget and then I can keep using my old reliable flip phone.


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