We Can't Get This at Home

   Every year when we go to South Carolina I resolve that I'm not going to shop. We have quite enough stuff thank you. This year I decided that it would be nice to hit a yarn shop or two. I figured since we are in a state where cotton is grown, I might find some yarn made from locally grown cotton.
  A few days ago we were driving in North Myrtle Beach when we saw a hat store. We drove past it but made a mental note to go back if we could find it and it was still open. As fate would have it, it started to rain. We drove around and found the shop.
  It was lovely. There were all kinds of hats in all sorts of colours. There were some lovely yellow hats and a great variety in navy blue. There were pink hats,green hat and white hats. There was even a section of red hats for members of The Red Hat Society. There were a couple pink and lavender hats for those of us too young to join as full members. I found a simple white hat with a spray of flowers and tried it on. It fit and it looked good. I found another that I fell in love with. It was a sort of purplish colour. I have no idea what I'll wear it with, but I'll find something.
  I really didn't mean to buy any hats. I have plenty of hats at home. I could have resisted, but we just can't get these things at home. There used to be a couple of places that sold hats. One closed and the other two don't sell them anymore.
  We went to the UPS  store as the hats had to be shipped home. There was a craft store nearby. It's kind of the southern version of Michaels. I asked C if we would go into the store so I could look for something. I was looking for Red Heart Scrubby yarn. It's yarn made with a little mesh and is good for making dishcloths. We went in and looked at the yarn section. There it was. There were several colours. I got about eight balls. I don't really need anymore yarn, but we can't get this at home. I'd been looking for it for several months. Now I would be able to make dishcloths that could be used to scrub as well.
  I did go into the yarn shops. I found all kinds of yarn, but no undyed cotton. There wasn't any locally produced cotton either. This is something I just don't understand. I could find cotton from all over the world, but none produced locally. Even though they didn't have what I was looking for, I bought yarn anyway. One of the things that both shops had were kits. The kit has instructions and yarn to make a project. I got a cowl and a shawlette. I got some lovely linen blend yarn and bought enough to make another shawl. There was some cotton yarn that I could use to make a scarf or a headband.
  I know that I don't need more yarn and I certainly don't need more projects to do. I chose not to resist thought be cause I haven't seen some of this stuff before. I don't this we can get this at home.
  I also found a neat plastic ball to put my yarn in while I am knitting. I had to get this because it protects my yarn from being chewed up by Colby. I know we can't get this at home.
  I really hadn't planned to buy what I had bought on this trip. I know I'll use what I bought and well.... you have to get some souvenirs. After all we can't this this at home.


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