The Art of Purring

 Hi! This is Scamp.
  Quite awhile ago I was trying to learn how to roar. I later found out that as a non-large cat, (I am Not a small cat) I am unable to roar. I was bitterly disappointed,but was told that large cats cannot purr. I also realized that as the resident therapy cat, responsible for the well being of my humans, purring is much more useful than roaring.
  Purring is a very soothing sound. According to several things I have read on the internet, purring can help heal bones. I guess there is something about the vibration of purring. It can also help heal injured muscles and joints. Purring has mental health benefits too. It lowers stress levels and promotes a sense of well being.
  Because of this I decided to study purring. We cats actually purr differently depending on the situation.
  I prefer a loud lusty purr. I use it when my humans pet or groom me. I also like to purr loudly when I wake C up in the morning. I believe that he prefers it to an arm clock. I like to jump on the bed and lay on his face purring loudly.  So far he has not minded it too much. I like to use this purr because it lets my humans know that I am pleased with them. I tend to get groomed, petted or played with longer if I use this kind of purr.
  I also believe that I get more attention when I purr loudly. A good solid purr along with my natural good looks gets me attention almost every time. I like attention.
  Sometimes I purr softly. This usually happens when my humans try to pet me when I am sleeping or trying to sleep. If I like what they are doing, I will reward them with a purr. However since I'm trying to sleep I do not want to purr too loudly.
  Colby has a weird purr. It sounds like he is wheezing. In fact, when he was a kitten, Sophie thought he might have asthma because his purr was so wheezy. I asked him once why he doesn't purr loudly. He told me that it just doesn't suit his style. He is a very quiet cat. Sometimes he purrs when he is nervous. He purrs when he is at the vet's office. He doesn't mean to, but he can't help himself.
   Colby is more conservative with his purring. I like to purr all the time. Colby only purrs when he feels really good or when he is on Sophie's lap while she is knitting. He prefers to show his affection of our humans in other ways like smiling (yes, he can smile) or rubbing against them.
  I think he is self conscious because I can purr better then he can. I'm trying to encourage him to purr better.
  I'm no longer upset that I can't roar. Purring is much more useful. I know that now.
  I'm going to take a nap, Sophie had made me a new blanket and I need to break it in.


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