Things I Don't Understand

  While we were travelling home from another wonderful trip to South Carolina, I was thinking about what to write about this week. Much of it was things I have written about before. A lot  of our time was spent driving from one place to another. While on the road I was thinking of things I just don't understand I'd like to share a few with you.
  While walking on beach at Myrtle Beach and North Myrtle Beach we noticed that there were several jellyfish that had washed up on the shore. I wondered why it was just jellyfish and no other fish. How long can a jellyfish live on the land? Do they get carried back out to sea when the tide comes back in? How long does it take for a jellyfish to dry up and what does it look like when it does?
  Why does it seem like it takes longer to get someplace than to return from that place? It seems like it took all morning for us to get from Minnesota to South Carolina. The trip seemed to drag on. The return trip was much quicker. It seems like that for everything.
   While we in South Carolina I wanted to check out some yarn shops. I was looking for undyed cotton yarn, something that is hard to find here. I figured that since cotton is grown in South Carolina, (I know this because most of C's relatives worked at cotton mills.) I should be able to find it. None of the shops that I went to stocked undyed cotton. I found cotton yarn, but it was not locally produced. Why is that? I would think that some of the cotton grown would be made into yarn. I could find fibers produced from all ends of the world, but nothing produced in the end I was in. Why?
  Another  thing I don't understand is why I like to fly so much. I'm claustrophobic and afraid of heights. Flying should be terrifying to me. It isn't. I love to fly. My favourite seat is by the window just behind the wing. I like to watch the flaps on the wings move as the plane lands and takes off. One thing I wish that I could do is to sit in the cockpit and watch the pilots work. The plane we took from Minneapolis to our connecting flight in Atlanta had a TV screen on the back of the seat in front of me. One of the things that you could do was watch the flight tracker. It told you what the air temperature was outside the plane, how fast the plane was going and what altitude we were at. You could see how far it was to the destination and how many miles were left to go. I liked to check the flight tracker. It even had a pictures of where the plane was on a map.
  When we got home Scamp and Colby were very glad to meet us. Scamp wanted a lot of attention. At bedtime I close the hall door so they can't get into the bedrooms. Scamp started to howl and cry around midnight and kept it up off and on until five when I got up. How can an animal that small make such loud sounds? He woke both of us up several times. I got up to see if I could comfort him at about two in the morning. He was fine for about a half hour  and then he started to cry again.
  Speaking of cats another things I don't understand is how they can stare intently at what looks like nothing. A few weeks ago Scamp was staring at a corner of the bedroom. I couldn't see anything. He jumped up on top of a hamper for a closer look. I went over to see if I could see what he was looking at. There was nothing. A few minutes later an ugly looking bug with what seemed like 50 pairs of legs started crawling down the wall. Scamp just stared at it. I don't know how he knew it was there.
  This brings me to the other things I don't understand. How can people be afraid of bugs? I can understand things like scorpions and poisonous spiders, but I know people who are terrified of ordinary bugs. C is one of them. Well.. maybe terrified is a little strong. When he saw the bug he leapt into action. I went to get some tissue so he could get rid of it. He said it was too big for tissue and wanted something that he could hit it with instead. I pointed to a paperback book on my bedside table. He stood there with the book in his hand frozen while the bug continued it's journey down the wall. I was worried it would go behind the hamper and wind up in our clothes. C swung at the bug hitting it several times. I thought the first hit was enough, but C wanted to make sure that the bug was dead. When he was done I wiped the bug guts off the wall and my book.
  Maybe someday I'll get some answers to the things I don't understand. I'm not sure that's going to happen though. I'll probably find more things to add to the list.


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