Stuck in a Rut

   Now that the weather is starting to change I've been pulling my winter and fall clothes out of storage. I don't usually pay attention to them except to note items that are too worn to wear to work, thinks that need replacing or washing.
  This time I really looked at what I had. I noticed that I wear mostly three colours, white, blue and pink. The vast majority of my wardrobe is a variation on one of those shades. It made me wonder if I was stuck in a color rut. One of the things I'm trying to do these days is to step slightly out of my comfort zone. Things like trying to knit something without using a pattern, training to run a 5K (No, we have not done this yet.) or attempting to cook a main dish that doesn't involve meat or pasta.
  I'm sure that some of you are shaking your heads. Nothing I've done so far is really outside a comfort zone. To me, it is.
  I know that when a woman finds colours or styles that look good on her, she tends to stay with those colours and styles. That is exactly what I've done. There's nothing wrong with that.
  My challenge now is to try to find other colours to wear. There's a whole palette out there waiting to be explored. I do have some colours that I refuse to wear. I will not wear orange,tan and most shades of brown and green. That still leaves a lot out there. There's purple, yellow, grey, red and various shades of those hues.
  This could be a lot of fun. I can add these colours to what I already have. In fact I may not even need to buy many new things at all. I have scarves in all the shades I don't usually wear. I have a really beautiful scarf that was given to me by some distant family in Germany. It would look really nice with black or a dark purple top. I have the yellow scarf that C gave me a few weeks ago. Surely I can find some things that I can wear it with.
  I bet if I ask C, he will help me. He's very good with this kind of thing. I might be able to get out of this rut using what I already have. I'm almost excited to go through my winter clothes. I may be able to put together some really cool new things!


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