
   We're back from Door County. We're working on unpacking. It's a long process because we spend one day shopping.
  As I wrote last week, there are no chain stores on the peninsula. All the stores (except Shopko) are owned by local people. We have several stores that we like to patronize. One of them is a British import shop. C likes a certain brand of cologne that is stocked there. We buy a years supply of it. We also buy lemon curd, toffee sauce and sometimes mustard. We buy some strawberry jam and drinking chocolate.
  Our next stop is to buy some maple syrup and buckwheat honey. We buy it from a family that has been tapping trees for over 50 years. The shop is run out of a small shop next to the owner's home. The lady we buy it from comes out of the house with her walker. C and I enjoy her stories of her growing up years in Door County.
  There's a small shop that sells cat related items. I go there to find a present for my friend Mickey who is a big cat fan. I sometimes find something for Mickey, but more often I find something for Mickey's cat Bam-Bam. I have also bought a few things for myself. 
  We look at clothing stores and shoe stores. We go to a kitchen store and buy a few new gadgets. I'm always on the hunt for the perfect wooden spoon. I had one that I really liked. It fell apart many years ago and I've been looking for a replacement ever since. I have a tea shop where I buy some tea.
  We visit two farm stores. We buy apples at one store along with salsa and animal crackers. We buy jam there too. I've got a lot of jam from the farm store. One year we bought a couple six packs of different kinds of soda. We buy apple cider, cider doughnuts and some seasoning at the other store. I also buy fudge.
  I love fudge and this farm store has all kinds of flavors of fudge. There is carrot cake,pumpkin and salted caramel. If you buy fours pieces they give you one piece of chocolate fudge free. I also got a square of cider fudge. I share some of it from my knitting teacher.
  We bought some other things this year too. I got two new hats. One is light purple and the other is black. The black one has a felted flower pin on it. I have several similar pins and I can interchange them to match what I am wearing. C found a beautiful silver ring set with an amethyst and blue Australian opal. It's very striking and very different from other rings that I have.
   Our last stop when we are leaving to go home is a candy and coffee shop. We like to get a pumpkin steamer for the road. We also buy more candy. I got fudge on a stick. C gets some turtle candy. All of it is made in house. Sometimes I also buy a logo mug if I find one that I like. I love their mugs.
  We stop at a couple of cheese shops on the way home. I'm sort of a cheese snob, so I prefer to buy it at the small shops that are all over Wisconsin. It tastes so much better than cheese from a grocery store.
  Once I'm done unpacking I'm going to make some tea, cut up an apple eat a little cheese and have some fudge for dessert.


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