Hello Quilt

  In January I shipped my wedding dress off to my friend Sarah. (Goodbye Dress January 2015) She sent me a few pattern ideas. I tried to pick the least complicated one. I didn't want this project to be a burden on her. I chose the wedding ring pattern. It just seemed appropriate given what I was sending her for materials.
  Over the months I would email her and ask her how it was going. I didn't want to seem like I was being impatient, I was simply interested in the process. I wondered how it would work having a wedding dress instead of a bolt of cloth for materials.
  She wrote to me in August and apologized. She had wanted to have it done by our anniversary. I didn't mind. Things of quality take time and I wanted her to take all the time she needed. I know that she's busy and has a young son. I didn't want her to feel like she was  under any pressure to get it done quickly.
 She had sent me some pictures of the quilt in its almost finished state. There were a few more things she wanted to do, but she needed some information from me. She wanted our wedding date and sealing date. If we had a phrase or sentiment to go with each date, she wanted that too. I sent her the dates along with the titles of two songs that we associated with each date.  I was curious to see what she was up to.
  This week she emailed me that the quilt was finished. She could either ship it or she could bring it when she came up for Christmas. I elected to wait. I miss seeing Sarah so meeting her to get the quilt would be a good excuse for us to get together.
  This week she posted pictures of the quilt. I was absolutely speechless. As lovely as the dress was, it was so much more beautiful now. I could never have imagined that she would create this amazing piece of art. It was so much more than I had hoped for. I used to look at heirloom quilts and admire the work that went into them. I never dreamed that I would one day own such a quilt.
  She embroidered our names and dates onto  blocks along with the song titles I gave her. She embroidered hearts and flowers around the blocks. I marveled at her carefully laid out design. Tears of gratitude filled my eyes as I looked at the pictures she had posted. Beautiful isn't enough of a word to describe it.
  I'm looking forward to seeing the quilt in person. I have a hunch that it will be even more stunning. I'm looking forward to having it decorate our bed. Not only will it keep us warm, it will also serve as a reminder of the commitments we made to each other. Every time I look at it I will remember how wonderful it is to be married to C. Even though we've had rocky times, I've never regreted the vows that I've made.
  I'll also think about my special friend ,Sarah, who has given me this gift. I hope to be as good a friend to her as she is to me.


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