Valentine's Day

  Many of my friends on Facebook are returned missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Some of them are also newlyweds. The wife of one of them posted a comment about her husband asking her out on a date and how it still gave her butterflies just like it did when they were dating. I love stuff like that and I couldn't resist commenting that it's even better when you have the same feelings ten years later. Deep down I am a little bit of a romantic.
  It made me think of the first Valentine's Day date I had with C. We had met a little over a month before. C was a musician, working in a coffee shop. Not the most lucrative of professions. He wanted to take me out on a Valentine's Day date, but obviously couldn't afford much. We went to Culver's.
  I think he was probably a little embarrassed at taking his date to a fast food place, but I didn't mind. I like Culver's. Besides that it was truly the thought that counted with me. The hard part for me was deciding what to give him. We hadn't known each other very long and I didn't want to give the wrong impression. Since he likes music I made a mix tape. With it I gave him a sheet of liner notes. I wrote the name and artist that performed each song and maybe a little bit about why I chose it. I chose my songs carefully and spent time deciding what order I wanted them in.
  We exchanged our presents. He gave me a lavender heart shaped tealight holder. I loved it. I still have it although I'm not sure where it is.
  It was an enjoyable evening.
  A year later we had another Valentine's day date. This one was much different. We were engaged and had been for eight months. Our wedding date was in six months and one week. The date was at my house. C and I had prepared a  dinner of steak, baked potatoes and a salad. I'm sure there was some kind of dessert, but I'm not sure what is was. After dinner, C asked me to pick out some music to listen to. I went to the stereo and sorted through my CD collection looking for some appropriate music.
  When I returned to the table, C had a box for me. I opened the box and inside was.... a bubblegum wrapper ring with a large rhinestone glued to the middle of it. I knew why it was there. When C and I were talking about engagement and wedding rings I told him that I would wear a bubblegum wrapper ring from him. I said that because I wanted him to understand that he didn't need to overspend. I knew his financial situation and I did not  want to make things harder for him. I also didn't think that I should buy my own ring. I didn't think that he would take me seriously. I'm sure he could see the shock on my face.
  He pulled the paper ring out of the box and took out the ring holder. Laying in the bottom of the box was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. It was a white gold ring with an oval shaped dark sapphire in it. Around the sapphire was an edging of white gold that looked like the petals of a flower. He put it on my hand. This was my engagement ring and it would replace the temporary garnet solitaire that he had given me.
  I'm sure I teared up and I hope I said something properly romantic to him. I treasure that ring which is on my left hand. He designed it and worked very hard to pay for it. As much as I love the ring, I love the man who gave it to me even more.
  Things have changed since the day he gave me this ring 11 years ago. We live in a different house in a different city. Niether of us is working for the same employer as we were then. Many of the people who were in our lives at that time are not anymore. Many people who are in our lives now are new friends that we've met since then. We have new instruments, more books and new hobbies. Our hair isn't the same colour and maybe we wear different clothing sizes since then.
  Some things haven't changed. I still love C's southern accent. I still think he is a handsome man. He's still my closest friend and I'm still very happily married to him.
  The young returned missionary's wife ended her post with several hashtags, " Ilovehim datesnevergetsold neitherdoesgettingaskedout Ipickedagoodone yallmaybejealous". I can say the same for C. I would add one thing. I'veneverregettedamomentI'vespentwithyou.
Happy Valentine's Day C
I love you more than yarn. (really I do) :-)


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