Dear Helen

   A few months ago, at a white elephant party, I bought a ceramic basket of fruit. The donor of this basket was my friend, Helen, who really, really wanted to get rid of it. It had been a present given to her and her husband long ago. It had been sitting in their basement packed away for many years. She brought it to the sale hoping to find it a good home.
  Oddly enough I had my eye on the basket. I sort of liked the look of it. The problem was that I really didn't need more decorative items in the house. I had enough already. Helen did not want to bring it home and the money was going to a good cause. I made a bid on it. It was the only bid. I paid my money and carried it home.
  Since then it has been sitting on my dining table. I had no other place to put it and I thought it looked good there. A few weeks ago I found a piece of paper folded next to it. It was a letter from the basket of fruit to Helen. I had no idea now it got there. It's not a bad letter, so I thought I would share it with you today.
   Dear Helen,
    I wanted to thank you for putting me on the white elephant sale. I thought you might want to know how I am faring in my new home.
  I like my new home very much. I have a nice spot on the dining room table with a view of the window. I like it when the sun shines on me. Most of the time I am displayed on a black and white table cloth which sets off my colours to perfection. The only time I wasn't was at Christmas when the tablecloth was red. Red is not a good colour for me.
  I have been making the acquaintance of some interesting creatures. They tell me that they are called "cats". They walk on four legs and are covered with fur. They are much smaller than dogs and much quieter.
  There are two cats who live here. One of them is a dark haired and is called Scamp. He's a beautiful cat. He has silver and cream markings on his fur and brilliant green eyes. He likes to prance around and act important. In fact, he's a little arrogant. He thinks that he runs the house when the humans are not around. I can understand some of it. He's a fast runner and good at digging treats out of this special box that sits on the floor. He's also adept at hiding. He tells me it is a special cat power, but I am not fooled.
  The other cat is Colby. He says that he is orange and white, but he is not orange. I have orange on me and we don't match. I don't know where he gets that idea.
  He's my favourite cat. He likes to rub against me. He says that his face itches a lot. He also says he does it because he likes me. He's a pretty good natured guy. Nothing bothers him except when the humans don't serve meals on time. He also likes to patrol the house. Sometimes he will stand next to me while he's keeping watch. I tell him that he shouldn't be up on the dining table because the humans won't like it. Colby says that the humans will never find out he's been up there. Obviously he's not thinking about all the fur he sheds on the table cloth.
  I suppose I'd better get going. I just wanted to thank you again for all you have done with me. I've liked living with you. You always treated me well and made sure I was secure so I wouldn't be broken. I hope that you and your family are well.
  Have a Happy New Year.
  Ceramic Basket of Fruit


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