The Confession

   Hi, this is Colby. I'm writing this because Sophie is making me. I did a bad thing and this is my punishment. She told me that I have to write about what I did and then promise never to do it again.
  We have this really cool ceramic basket of fruit on the dining room table. Sophie bought it someplace and brought it home. I really like it because it has orange in it like me. I like rubbing my face on it. There are edges on it that feel really good.
  I thought it might be a good joke to have the ceramic basket of fruit write a letter to the people that used to own it. Maybe they were wondering what happened to it. I'm sure that if I sold something I would want to know if it was being taken care of.
  Once day while Sophie and C were at work I got on the computer. It took a long time, but I was able to write the letter. I was even able to get the printer to work! I've never done it before. I folded up the paper and put it by the ceramic basket of fruit. I waited to see if Sophie would read it.
  It took a long time. The table got covered with papers and I thought my letter had been lost. Then one day I saw that Sophie was cleaning off the table. She found the letter and she read it. Then she put it away. I didn't see it again.
  A few days ago I saw that Sophie had written her column on the letter that I wrote. I thought it was pretty good, but Scamp got a little irate. I guess he doesn't think of himself as arrogant.
  I have to admit that I was pleased to see the letter. I did a good job of it.
  When Sophie was cleaning up the computer desk, she found the rough drafts I had written. She asked me about then and I told her that the ceramic basket of fruit must have left them. She explained to me that the basket had no hands so there is no way the basket could have typed the letter. I suggested that maybe it had some sort of telepathic powers. She didn't think that was likely. She said what had happened is that a cat that is not supposed to be using the computer was using the computer. I didn't think that was the care and I told her so.
  Scamp ratted on me. I'm sure it was revenge for calling him arrogant. Sophie said she was disappointed in me. I know what the rules are concerning the computer and then I lied to her about it.
  I said that I was sorry. I was just trying to have some fun. I see her writing and it looks like something I would like to do.
  I want to apologize to all of you who thought that the ceramic bowl of fruit wrote the letter. I was the one that wrote it. I also apologize to Scamp for calling him arrogant. I don't want to apologize to him because he is arrogant, but Sophie says I have to. The next time I write something I will honest about who did it. I will not use the computer again unless a human is home.
  I promise I will not do this again.
PS May I have a treat?


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